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Motivating Mom Stephanie

June 17, 2017

Motivating Mom Stephanie is a mom of a toddler and works from home on her business raceHer. She has some great advice for taking care of yourself first, giving yourself grace or calling yourself out when needed.

…moms get in constant caregiver mode and it can feel weird or indulgent to do something for yourself but its all about balance and remembering you are important too!

I love hearing from other moms and how they stay committed to a healthy lifestyle and model healthy habits for their children. Stephanie is a mom who works from home, and has figured out she can’t do it all. She has really inspiring advice about finding the time to take care of yourself, trading off “Parent #1 duties, and taking help where you can get it to be a better Mom!

Let’s hear from Motivating Mom Stephanie!

If you’d like to be featured as a Motivating Mom, send a message to Exploring Domesticity on Facebook or email exploringdomesticity(at)gmail(dot)com with the subject, “Motivating Mommas.”

 Motivating Mommas Stephanie - raising a healthy happy toddler

Motivating Mom Stephanie

Name: Stephanie Superty

Number of children and ages: 1 son, Lucas, 16 months

Are you a SAHM, WAHM, or work outside the home mom? WAHM

 Motivating Mom Stephanie - marathon training, raising a toddler, running a business

Describe your background as it relates to health, fitness, weight loss, etc. 

I’ve been an avid runner since I was 18 to lose the “Freshmen 15” and discovered it was something I loved to do! My weight has fluctuated due to life, pregnancy, etc but running always helps me keep a baseline of fitness and feel like I am doing something good for ME! 


When do you typically fit in your physical fitness? 

Working from home is a blessing because I can fit in workouts when works for myself and my family. I usually run in the morning and take my son in the jogging stroller. If I want some alone time I’ll wait til the evening and run when my husband is home.

I also found a mom-friendly strength training class where I can bring my son and they modify the workouts to our current level of fitness- this was amazing since I lost so much fitness during pregnancy and my coach Lori has helped with specific goals like training for my half marathon. 

How do you make healthy eating a priority? 

Healthy eating has been the biggest challenge in our house!

Working full time, starting a new business and chasing after a toddler (and half marathon training!) has left little time for the meal prep I once did. I discovered Hello Fresh and it has been a godsend to have healthy meals sent to our door- and dinners even my kitchen newbie husband can handle. Now instead of spending hours on Pinterest finding meals that work with the weekly ads and our schedule, I make a quick grocery run once a week to load up on fruit and veggies for snacks, coffee creamer, milk, bread and snacks with little man. Its taken a mental load off to know we will have healthy dinners each night without having to think about it!

Motivating Mom Stephanie - busy mom who makes time for her health


How do you get your kids involved in a healthy lifestyle? 

The jogging stroller is amazing- I always liked to have some alone time when running but as a mama, you have to make it work! I like that he can get some fresh air and a change of scenery while I get my workout in.

He also watches while I workout; I started seeing him do downward dog all the time shortly after starting the mom workout class- so cute!

We also started family dinner which we never did when it was just my hubby and I. We sit down together and he tries usually some of everything on our plate- sometimes he spits it out and is not into it but I love that he will try new things and wants to be a big boy and eat like mom and dad. He has surprised me with things he likes like salmon and broccoli!

I have to remember that I usually feel MORE energetic when regularly exercising, happier with my daily accomplishments and my body when making time to work out.

What are your biggest struggles? 

My biggest struggles are making time for fitness when it feels like there are other things that need my attention. I have to remember that I usually feel MORE energetic when regularly exercising, happier with my daily accomplishments and my body when making time to work out.

I also have had a wicked sweet tooth in the evening- I think its my body craving more energy in the form of sugar, so now that’s I’ve recognized that I’m trying to be more mindful of what I’m snacking on. 

What are your biggest accomplishments as a mom? 

I feel really good about raising a happy and healthy toddler. I know that sounds silly but remember you are taking care of a whole other human being (or two or three!) Whenever I feel down about not getting enough done I try to remind myself of this- it was especially important when Lucas was just born and I did so much sitting and nursing and hey that was enough at that time. 

What are your biggest accomplishments in regards to health and fitness? 

Finishing a full marathon is probably my biggest accomplishment- it makes me proud of body for accomplishing that. I used that during birth to remember hey my body did something amazing I never thought it could before, it can do it again!

This myth of modern motherhood and “doing it all” frustrates me. You may be able to “do it all” but I don’t think at 100%.

Share your 3 best tips for moms who are struggling

 1) Give yourself grace.

You are only human and doing the best you can. This myth of modern motherhood and “doing it all” frustrates me. You may be able to “do it all” but I don’t think at 100%. Pick what is most important to you and put your time and energies into that and cut back where you can.

For me cutting back meant simplifying meals, hiring a cleaning service and asking my hubby to be “Parent #1” as we put it on the weekends so I can take a nap or run errands while he steps in since I’m the one who does that so much during the week.  I love that!!

2) Call yourself out.

This might sound contradictory to my first tip but you know yourself and if you are making excuses or if you are really at your limit. My sugar cravings were easy to excuse away as “Oh I’m so busy, I deserve a treat” and that’s fine but I can’t complain that I’m still carrying 10 lbs of baby weight when I’m not doing anything to change it. And honestly, it takes the same energy to grab some fruit for dessert as it does a Reeses, so I’ve been calling myself out. I’m making a conscious effort to choose something better most of the time.

I think that’s important with whatever you’re struggling with, be honest about whether its something you can control of and make those changes OR something you need to let go of worrying about and give grace until your life is in a calmer place.

3) Never underestimate the power of alone time.

I’ve found that usually when I’m extra frustrated with my son or husband or just feeling overwhelmed I haven’t really taken any time for myself. Even just taking 5 minutes in the morning to read my bible and say a prayer to “get my mind right” helps me. I take a nap usually one day each weekend and feel recharged for the next week.

Half marathon training has given me the opportunity to go on long runs and listen to podcasts and things and not be responsible for wiping someone’s butt or responding to constant “mamamamama” I think moms get in constant caregiver mode and it can feel weird or indulgent to do something for yourself but its all about balance and remembering you are important too!

Motivating Mom Stephanie sharing how she makes time for herself


Connect with Stephanie!

Check out her running subscription box for women runners to discover new running gear and goodies at



Check our other Motivating Mommas and get some great tips for healthy moms and healthy families!

If you’d like to be featured as a Motivating Mom, send a message to Exploring Domesticity on Facebook or email exploringdomesticity(at)gmail(dot)com with the subject, “Motivating Mommas.”

Mom's Meet WOW Summit 2017 - get 15% off registration! Amazing Mother's Day Gift!!

Learn about Healthy Families at Moms Meet WOW Summit!

If you’re interested in learning about raising a healthy family, connecting with other moms, and finding some amazing companies committed to healthy families and a healthy environment, check out the Moms Meet WOW Summit! It is a blast!  

You can also get an extra 15% off the already reasonable price of $39 with the code EXD15 when you purchase your WOW Summit tickets through my affiliate link.

If you’re on the fence, feel free to message me with any questions. I had so much fun the year I went, and left with so many amazing products!

Kristin - Exploring Domesticity

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