
Shake It Off!

December 22, 2014

Let’s be honest here…

I had a moment last night when I became a madwoman roaming the house for chocolate, salt, and anything I could get my hands on!

Help! Temptations and weight loss

I did try…

I started with a Chocolate Caramel Protein Shake, I had some almonds, I drank some water…  Not of it stopped me from scouring and then attacking our cupboards.

The kids’ Halloween Candy took the biggest hit.  They’re 2 and 3 so I ate all the candy with nuts or that may be messy.  I eventually convinced myself that the Twix were the next to go because that cookie part could crumble and make a huge mess… Probably…

Completely illogical reasoning that I give myself to eat like a maniac…

I’m beyond logic when I get to that point.  I know what to do, I know what has helped me in the past, I know I just need some willpower and to move on…  None of that stops me when I get there.

When I finally stop and I look back on all I consumed and I wish I could go back in time and stop myself… I always vow to do better tomorrow.

The worst part, and the reason I’m coming clean and posting this now, is because I have an amazing opportunity that I don’t want to waste. If I can’t keep myself under control when I’ve been given a wonderful gift of a trainer 3x a week, what hope is there!?!

I have stalled for an entire year, and it has gotten so hard to stick to my guns as I have gotten so busy.  You can probably tell if you have followed the blog for a while, there are times when I don’t write a personal post for weeks.  This is because I have a hard time saying no to various opportunities that come along, I always seem to be behind, and I don’t have anything positive to report…  In an effort to get back on track and bring this blog back around to the accountability tool it was supposed to be, I’m going to commit to a personal update each “My Day Friday.”

I need your help! I’m struggling and could use some encouragement and support so please follow along – I can use all the help I can get! I’m determined not to waste this chance!

By the way, I did start this post on Friday… It’s hard to come clean…
Am I alone here?

How do you stop the madness?

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