Allergies are the worst! They are even worse if you’re traveling. Here are some tips for finding allergy relief at Disney World.
On our last trip to Walt Disney World, my husband was miserable with allergy and sinus pain. Fortunately, he toughed it out and we don’t even think about that part of the trip anymore, but we did waste a lot of time hunting down allergy relief at Disney Word. After all that, we have some tips for you if you’re ever in the same boat, as well as advice from our Disney friends!

I received Similasan products for free from MomsMeet to test and share my honest opinion. Compensation for this post was provided, and we participate in affiliate programs, including the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.
Allergy Relief at Disney World
During our 2019 Walt Disney World vacation in January we certainly weren’t expecting my husband’s allergies to flare up! We thought we were prepared for anything in our one suitcase for the whole family, but we weren’t prepared for that. My poor husband was pretty miserable during out trip. It also meant we spent some valuable vacation time on the hunt for medicine to give him some relief.
We learned a few things from that experience. First, be prepared for anything. If I had brought something with, all of our problems would have been solved. Second, the concierge is your friend – use them! Third, there are some very unique ways to take care of your medical needs in Walt Disney World. I wish we would have known them sooner!

Also Read: Disney with Grandparents: How to have a great multi-generational vacation!
Be Prepared!
Since this is a Disney post, I can’t help but sing this in my head just like Scar in the Lion King!
However, this is something I look back on and wish I would have prepared for. I planned for typical headaches and pain relief, but it didn’t occur to me to prepare for allergy eyes and sinuses.
We will definitely know for next time! I don’t think there will be another trip again where we don’t include something for allergies. Thankfully, I have something now that I didn’t have at the time of this trip.
We recently partnered with Moms Meet and Similasan to try their line of Allergy Eye Relief drops. Similasan Allergy Eye Relief is formulated with natural active ingredients like Eyebright flowers and Sabadilla Lily
Similasan’s success is due to their commitment to provide temporary relief of symptoms the natural way—by engaging the body’s defenses to support the immune system. To help combat common ailments, all of their products contain high quality ingredients that help naturally relieve symptoms.
The thing I love about these is that we will be prepared for anything during our next vacation. Also, I don’t typically have allergies, but do get dry eyes while traveling. These drops are safe for me, the kids, and my husband to use as needed because there are no known side affects or harsh chemical ingredients to worry about.
Just the other day I noticed my eyes were feeling dry and itchy. A quick drop in each eye and the relief was immediate. Best of all, I know that I can use them as often as I would like because they are gentle and from a trusted and long-standing brand.
Next time we travel, especially with my husband, Allergy Eye Relief as well as Similasan’s Sinus products will be in our one suitcase or backpacks.
Also read: How to pack a family of four in one suitcase

Disney Resort Concierge
I already raved about our experience with Coronado Springs Concierge during our Walt Disney World 2019 vacation. Therefore, I can’t believe we didn’t think to ask them for suggestions to relieve allergy symptoms! I suppose we just thought, because we had seen the tiny travel-size, price-inflated over-the-counter medicines in each gift shop, that they would suggest those for allergy relief at Walt Disney World.
However, from asking my Disney friends, that isn’t always the case! In fact, they have also had some amazing interactions with Disney Concierge.
Instead of trecking all around to the tiny, over-priced drug sections of the resorts, and running across a busy road to a – still over-priced – gas station, we could have saved ourselves a lot of trouble if we had just asked someone!
My friend, Kim from This Ole Mom, had the nightmare situation of being sick while on vacation. In typical Disney-fashion, they received excellent care and service!
I flew alone with my 8 year old in June and we stayed CBR and we had to call Disney’s emergency he had a high fever and was in severe pain. The medics came and a rep from Disney. We were staying there 8 days and it was only day 1. The Disney rep went and got meds for my son and soup and gatorade. Then 2 days later my allergies were so bad I had severe migraines I called the front desk at CBR and they sent someone on the golf cart to get me and my son so I could get water and cold meds, Then they brought us back to our room.
Also Read: Walt Disney World 2019 Vacation

Other options for Allergy Relieve at Walt Disney World
Off Property
If you’re looking for over the counter allergy relief at Disney like we were, it’s not quite easy to find. First of all, the selection at the resorts is very basic, the sizes are small, and the prices are high.
Instead of checking the shops at every resort like we did, do yourself a favor and plan from the beginning to take an Uber to Walmart, CVS, or Walgreens.
In retrospect, that would have been a pretty smart move for us. It was our first trip to Walt Disney World without a car and we had one suitcase so we came with limited snacks. A quick trip to Walmart on the first day would have also set us up with a bit more food and snacks in our room.
Also Read: Disney Packing: 7 Overlooked Items to Have in Your Bag

On Property
If you prefer not to leave the property, which is totally understandable since Disney time is precious, there are some other options I wish we had known about sooner!
Medical Concierge
One of the sweetest Disney experts I know, Meg, first told me about the Medical Concierge.
This is a great resource for any medical needs prior and during your Orlando visit! They cater exclusively to tourists! They will also deliver medications needed straight to your hotel room.
I also heard from other who have used Medical Concierge and have wonderful things to say about the care they received!
Kim @DisneyMagicDiva Not specifically allergies, but have used an Urgent Care (that provides transportation to and from resort) and a medical concierge that made resort room visits (recommended by resort guest services). Thank heavens medical help is available for minor illness at WDW! Cast members are so helpful! After the medical concierge visit, they even called to see how we were doing, and sent a lovely gift to the room to cheer us up!
I don’t know if this is a part of the medical concierge as well, but it just shows you Disney cast members have all the answers! I really wish we would have asked someone for some advice when we were there!
Mom of the Moment Last time I needed OTC meds, I stopped in the First Aid Center at Animal Kingdom. They didn’t have what I needed, but they gave me a card for a pharmacy that delivered to the parks and resorts. I paid over the phone and by the time we got back to the resort the meds were waiting.

Spring is here!
With all of that surprise-allergies-while-traveling drama behind us, Spring has finally arrived. So, that means my husband’s allergies will come out in full-force soon. My step-daughter already started to feel it the last weekend she was here. Luckily, we now have our Similasan to provide allergy relief at home, as well as some to pack way for the next time we need allergy relief at Disney World.
…And, of course, we are already planning our trip for next year!
To try Similasan yourself, you can visit their website or find it at your local Walmart.
Have you been sick while traveling? How about traveling to Walt Disney World? What are your tips?

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