Hey moms! Find all sorts of useful tips and parenting hacks from other moms just like you. The Mom Life: Real Moms Interview Series is a place to get support and advice from people who have been there… or are there. Today we’re hearing about Amber’s Mom Life.
Amber is a mom of four girls, including a set of twins. She is a fantastic mom and has a lot to share about mom life and her love for essential oils.

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I love hearing advice from other moms. Learning tips from moms who are rocking motherhood is so inspiring to me! Moms who have tips for easy weeknight meals, creating family moments, cleaning hacks, money saving, family travel, and just Mom Life in general.
Today we’re hearing about Amber’s Mom Life!
Amber and I have been friends on Instagram for quite a while now. She is so kind and an amazing mom! Amber has a passion for essential oils, runs her own business, and has a lot of parenting advice to share!

Amber’s Mom Life
Tell us about your family
I live in Northern Saskatchewan Canada. I have 4 sweet girls. (8, 7, and 4 year old twins). I used to be a high school teacher, but now I’m a stay at home mom running my Young Living Essential Oils biz which I love.
My husband owns his own logging truck company. When logging season starts, we rarely see him which is Oct-Apr so I’m pretty much a single mom 6-7 months out of the year which can be tough, but it is getting easier as the girls are getting older.
As a mom, what is the best part of the day
My best part of the day would be the quiet mornings once the older two are at school. I love grabbing a hot thieves tea, a slice of peanut butter toast and relaxing on the couch while the twins eat their breakfast.
3 words that describe your parenting style?
Stern, holding-it-together, creating memories.
What is a parenting rule you never break?
Parenting rule I never break is if you haven’t eaten a good supper, NO dessert. Haha.
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What is a parenting rule you always break?
Parenting rule I always break would be giving into screen time. I always set a rule on which days of the week they can have the iPad and set a time limit and it usually gets broken.
Another one would be chores. I try to keep up the expectations like making the bed, keeping their rooms clean and I usually let the bar down.
How do you prioritize family-time and me-time?
I like to prioritize family time by leaving town once a month and visiting family and creating lot of good memories with my girls.
The only time I get me-time at this point in my life is once they are all in bed by 8:30. Next year will look more differently since the twins will be going to kindergarten. Such a huge change.
What is your go-to, easy weeknight meal?
My go-to easy weeknight meal would be homemade lemon rice soup or beef tacos. My girls also really like sweet and sour meatballs and rice.
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What is your favorite family activity?
Favorite family time activity would be camping during the summer. We love tubing, swimming and surfing behind the boat. Roasting marshmallow and eating popsicles when it’s hot.
Do you have a “mom hack” you can’t live without?
I have buckets in my pantry that include specific categories of school lunch snacks. My older girls grab one item from each bucket, a fruit from the fridge and pack their own lunch before I come downstairs. I just have to add the sandwich.
You can get closet locks off of amazon. Wish I knew this 6 yrs ago.
With twins when they were little I could not live without my bath chairs. It would have made bath time impossible if I didn’t have them.
How do you balance work and home life?
I don’t really get any breaks because we have no family that live close by and I haven’t found or trusted a babysitter with my kids. So if I really need a break, I’ll pack everyone up and go visit my parents who are 3 hrs away. My mom is super helpful with the kids and that gives me such a break.

What is your best mom money-saving tip?
Best money saving tip would be to do all my grocery shopping on PC plus days which is the first Monday and Tuesday of every month. You get a ton of money back when you bulk shop. So I’ll do my big monthly shop during those days and get 100-200$ back.
Do you have any tips for staying on top of household chores?
I’m not consistent enough with the household chores. Some months I’m on top of everything and the kids get chore money. Then the next month, everything falls apart and I forget or don’t keep the expectations up.
Do you make it a point to stay healthy and fit? If so, how do you fit it into your busy lifestyle?
At this point I have not fit in exercise. I haven’t done any proper exercise in 5 yrs. Sounds sad but running after twins all day and cleaning up after them is as much exercise I can fit into my schedule.
I have been more careful with my eating and working hard to keep the processed foods out. I went on a 5 day cleanse not long ago which was rejuvenating.
My first priority was to ditch out all the toxic chemical household products first. As well as toxic skin care and hair care. To me that’s #1. Once that’s cleaned out your body is more able to get healthier with better nutrition and exercise.
Family travel: What is your favorite travel spot or family travel memory?
Favorite family travel memory/spot is Rancho Mirage in California. My parents have a house down there. So we make a road trip down once a year, every April and it’s the best memories ever. We love it.
We also like to go to different amusement parks like Legoland. Our goal is to go to Disneyland next year.
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Do you have a can’t-live-without mom/family product to share?
The products we can’t live without are all the Toxic free Young Living products and essential oils. They have been life changing for me and my family. All of us haven’t had any colds or flu for the last 8 months which has never happened in the 8 yrs since we started having kids. My sleep has never been better and the oils just help keep the kids happy and mellow.

Advice for new moms.
Don’t stress over potty training. It will come when your child is ready.
Don’t give your child options when it comes to meal time. haha. My twins are soooo picky. If I wouldn’t always ask them what they want to eat and just told them what we are having, I think they would be better eaters.
Create expectations/ chores (they are old enough to help you even at 2 yrs old). They can learn things very early on, like how to clean up their toys.
Give them your undivided attention, when they are speaking or asking you a question.
Figure out each child’s personality and what works for them in regards to discipline, and their love language.
Set a bedtime routine.
Be careful of the way you speak to your children because it becomes their inner voice.
Above all else, use essential oils to help make motherhood so much easier. (Helps with sleep, tummy aches, nightmares, growing pains, owies, and of course for immunity support) nothing is worse than being alone, dealing with 4 sick kids and being under the weather as well.
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Thank you so much, Amber for sharing your mom life with us!
You can find Amber and learn more about Young Living Essential Oils on facebook and Instagram.
If you enjoyed reading about Amber’s Mom Life, check out all of our Mom Life Interviews.
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