Hey moms! Find all sorts of useful tips and parenting hacks from other moms just like you. The Mom Life: Real Moms Interview Series is a place to get support and advice from people who have been there… or are there. Today we’re hearing about Caitlin’s Mom Life.
Caitlin is sharing all about her family, prioritizing date night, planning activities to burn off energy, a her advice for new moms.

I love hearing advice from other moms. Learning tips from moms who are rocking motherhood is so inspiring to me! Moms who have tips for easy weeknight meals, creating family moments, cleaning hacks, money saving, family travel, and just Mom Life in general.
Today we’re hearing about Caitlin’s Mom Life!
Caitlin is mom of four who blogs at Real Mom Recs. I love her tagline – parenting hacks from a slacker mom. I think we can all relate to that! Caitlin has some great advice and experiences from her family and I’m so happy to share them with you!
Caitlin’s Mom Life
Tell us about your family
I live with my husband and our four children, ages 2 to 10. Our 9 and 10 year old we adopted through foster care together as a sibling set. Then we had our 6 year old daughter and 2 year old son. Our family stands out a bit because we don’t all “match”, but sometimes I truly forget which children I gave birth to and which I didn’t.

As a mom, what is the best part of your day?
I love when my kids get home from school. They are still young enough that they are excited to see me. I relish in receiving the hugs and listening to them enthusiastically chatter about their days.
3 Words that describe your parenting style?
Flexible, open, and supportive.
Each of my four children are incredibly different people. I learned early on in the parenting gig that what works for one child will not necessarily work for another. I’m constantly adapting and trying to meet their individual needs. I also try to think of myself as their greatest cheerleader and supporter. If they made a bad choice and got in trouble at school that day, we will sit down and talk about it. Perhaps there will be consequences, but I never withhold love and affection. No matter what mistakes I make as a parent, I feel secure that all of my children will at least grow up to say that they always knew they were loved.
What is a parenting rule you never break?
I’m pretty sure I’ve broken them all by now! But one thing I am pretty strict about with my kids is no cell phones and very limited internet access. I’m not afraid to be the mean Mom who says no to getting their kid a phone even when all their friends have one. It will open a Pandora’s box of potential problems that won’t do anything to improve their lives. Even with my oldest going to middle school next year, I’ll put off getting her a phone as long as possible. I’ve been telling them they can get a phone when they have a job to pay for said phone. They don’t even ask anymore.
What is a parenting rule you always break?
“Everybody sleeps in their own bed”. My kids all hate to be alone. Despite the fact that they all have their own rooms, no one is ever sleeping alone in their own bed. I used to care but now I’m over it. We all need sleep!
How do you prioritize family-time and me-time?
Like most stay at home moms, family time is just about all the time! Me time is pretty hard to come by these days. If I want to truly get away, I need to schedule it in advance with my husband so he can be the one on duty. Most of my time is spent with at least one kid if not all of them. One thing I am good about doing is going out on date nights. My husband and I prioritize those very highly so we get out more often than most couples with kids- at least twice a month if not every weekend.

What is your go-to, easy weeknight meal?
Every meal I make is easy! One that I make often is pesto chicken pasta. Just pan fry some thin-sliced chicken, boil some pasta, and throw it together with some pesto. Can be homemade or bought from the store. All my kids love it!
What is your favorite family activity?
I live for the family fun outings, especially discovering a new place. We like hiking, going to new parks, children’s museums, roller skating, bowling, swimming, etc. My kids are very high-energy so we put a lot of effort into finding activities that burn off their energy. All six of us are happiest when we’re out of the house.
What advice would you give new moms?
Don’t sweat the small stuff. I see so many new moms agonizing over every little decision related to their baby. Just trust your gut, ignore all the unsolicited advice, do what works for you and be confident in your choices. Spend less time worrying and more time doing what makes you happy.
Do you have a “Mom Hack” you can’t live without?
It’s not exactly something I brag about, but I carry little candies with me everywhere (tic tacs, M&Ms, etc). When the REAL big tantrums happen at the worst possible times, I am always happy I have them. A couple M&Ms can get compliance in seconds!
What is your best Mom money-saving tip?
Talk to your kids from a young age about money. It teaches them math as well as the value of a dollar. My kids are mindful about what they ask for because they have an awareness of how much things cost now, especially when multiplied by the number of siblings.
Also read: Teaching Kids about Money

Family Travel: What is your favorite spot or family travel memory?
We are a huge Disney family, so we enjoy our trips to Disney World. That has expanded to include Disney Cruise line and Universal Studios Florida as well. My 9 year old son is obsessed with Harry Potter, so exploring the whole Wizarding World with him is a very special memory.
A huge thanks to Caitlin for sharing about her adorable family and mom tips! If you’d like to hear more from Caitlin, visit her on her blog and on Instagram!
If you enjoyed reading about Caitlin’s Mom Life, check out last week’s Mom Life Interview.
I loved reading about Caitlin’s Mom Life. Meet more moms and read their advice and experiences every Saturday! You can also find more Mom Life tips on our Mom Life Pinterest Board. If you’d like to join in on the fun, leave a comment below or send an email to exploringdomesticity(at)gmail(dot)com with subject “Mom Life Interview Series.”
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