Not only is the look of a Christmas tree box collar gorgeous, but they make much more sense in homes with pets and vacuums. We’re loving this new style for Christmas trees!
Here is our Christmas Tree Box Collar DIY along with a few you can buy!

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Isn’t Christmas decor the best? I love all the special decorations, sparkly lights everywhere, and the memories that come along with it all. However, over the years adjustments have to be made. Am I right? The last couple years, it has been the tree skirt.
We have an amazing vintage tree skirt that I would love to use. However, with a bunny who nibbles the little beads and a robotic vacuum that will suck up the rest of the skirt, it’s just not a good idea anymore.
Anyone else have to adjust to have the amazing convenience of a robotic vacuum? We adore our Shark robot vacuum and it’s totally worth removing my favorite pink, fuzzy rug and the tree skirt.
First, we got a basket as a tree skirt alternative. (Kind of like this one, which is better and you’ll see why in a minute…) I love the look of it. However, I got it years ago after the tree was already up. With a basket tree collar, you have to get the tree stand inside first. Not to mention the fact that they are a bit of a pain to store.
I quickly knew I wanted something different.

I have been loving the wooden Christmas tree box collars I’ve seen lately. The best part about them is that they can be put around the tree stand after it is already standing. Also, they can be made to fold up for easy storage.
It’s definitely the way to go for your tree stand!
Also read: Veggie Straw Christmas Trees
Christmas Tree Box Collar DIY
As with everything else, I enlisted my dad to help make our Christmas tree box.
If you’re making your own Christmas tree box collar, you can measure it to exactly match your tree stand. If you have a real tree, you can measure the stand by making an X across the circular base. For an artificial tree, measure across the X that the stand makes.
The height you want for your Christmas tree box collar depends on the size of your tree. For our tree, the box is 17″ inches across each side, and 8.5″ high, but I feel like it could be a little higher to be even more proportional.
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Fold away for easy storage
The thing that makes our wooden Christmas tree box collar my favorite over the wicker basket tree collar is that it is much easier to store!
The woven basket tree collar stays in one pieces and it such a pain to store away. We typically turn it upside down and store things inside, or try to fit it on it’s side in the storage room.
The best part about a wooden tree collar is that it can easily fold up and take up less space in storage.
Our Christmas tree box is actually in two pieces. Two of the sides are connected with hinges. The other two corners just have small holes that line up and a bent piece of wire secures them together.
I love that we can just stack the two hinged pieces together and store everything flat. It takes up so little space!

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Christmas Tree Box Collars on Amazon
I can’t believe my search only came up with two Christmas tree box collars that look similar to the one we made! This Christmas tree box has a lot of fantastic reviews on Amazon and looks beautiful.
While the one above has a similar finish, this one below has more of the simple look of our DIY. I like that this Christmas tree box has the darker wood without the X and also great reviews.
If you want a little bit of both of the two above. This listing has weathered gray and white wash versions. It’s also available in a couple different sizes and with and without the X.
I’m always a little leery about not ordering with Amazon Prime (because I love the easy returns! Try Prime for free!) or when there aren’t any reviews. However, there aren’t many Christmas tree boxes on Amazon! I like the ability to choose different stains and even personalization it seems with this Christmas tree box option.
Here’s a different take on the Christmas tree box. If you like a little metallic, but still like the idea of being able to fold flat and store your box, this option is nice!
Or, if you want to go really crazy and festive, try this one! This is pretty cute. Another present under the tree, but it’s actually your Christmas tree collar. The reviews could be better, but we always have to take them with a grain of salt.
These are some good options and there are much more available, now more than ever, for Christmas tree collars! I love all the creative ideas now!
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What do you think? Are you embracing these alternatives to the tree skirt?
What do you have under your tree?
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