Bedtime can be a struggle. However, there are plenty of small things you can do to have a better bedtime!
Everything from keeping the ever-requested water handy to setting the bedtime mood. We have the tips from years bedtime routines!

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As a mom of two who are now 8 and 9, I can tell you we’ve gone through quite a few bedtime routines, bedtime setups, and just bedtimes in general. It’s really all about trial and error and what works best for your family. For us, we’ve found a few things that make for a better bedtime, and I’m sharing them with you.
However, I always want you to know the best bedtime is what you find to work for your family, not what someone tells you it should look like. So, take what you need from these better bedtime tips, and leave what you don’t. That’s all there is to it. No matter what, you’re doing great!
Comfort and Routine
Not everyone may agree with these – although, some leave very little room for debate. I’m just a mom with some tips over the past 9 years.
It really just comes down to helping kids feel safe and loved. Giving them a routine they can count on, and special moments to help them feel comfort and cared for.
These tips will not only make your bedtime better, but will have you feeling like you’re setup for success.
Tips for a Better Bedtime
As I mentioned, comfort and love are really the key ingredient here.
We have used quite a few things that all contribute to pretty easy bedtimes. The kids don’t need all of them and sleep away from home just fine. However, we like knowing we have it all covered.
I’m also happy to say our kiddos sleep well and I have always been surprised at the lack of bad dreams or other problems through the night. To me, that says they feel pretty safe and secure at bedtime.
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Water bottles ready
How many times do you hear “I need a glass of water” at bedtime?
In our house, the kids are no different than myself. We all have water bottles by our bedside.
I have done this since they were little. Although, it’s possible we limited bedtime water access when potty training… That aside, I’m a firm believer of unlimited water access through the day and at night if it doesn’t cause problems.
The kids don’t really care where the water comes from, but I do! Our choices upstairs by the bedrooms are bathroom faucets and the laundry tub.
I no longer have to worry about that because we can fill our water bottles up for bedtime right in the laundry room with our new water filter. It’s the perfect, easy solution!

I got this water filter with the cabin in mind. You may have seen glimpses of the Carriage House when I shared our bunkbeds and round shelf. That place, and the new “Little Cabin” we’re working on definitely need a little help with the well water taste.
I digress.
Right now, I highly recommend one of these if you have bedrooms far from the kitchen and want to fill bedtime water bottles easily. It definitely helps eliminate the big song and dance to get some water and stall bedtime.
Grab this faucet water filter on Amazon! It’s currently under $20!
Speaking of water, we love a diffuser at bedtime with essential oils. Lavender most nights, eucalyptus and mint when they’re stuffed up, and others. It’s so soothing and really helps set the mood. A good, relaxing mix of oils can help a lot.
Another great thing about diffusers is that most of them seem to also include a light. The kids love using it for their night lights as well.
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Sleep Mask
This one makes me laugh, but my son loves an eye mask. He wears one every night.
In fact, I got a huge set (36 for $10) of multi-colored eye mask that is totally excessive (think, great for a slumber party or blindfold for party games) and I surprise him with a different color from time to time.
It can be really calming and surprisingly helpful.

I never had a stuffed animal or blanket I was attached to as a kid. I didn’t think my kids would be either.
However, my son started sleeping with an IKEA panda bear and has never stopped.
I don’t have many thoughts around whether kids should or shouldn’t have a comfort item like a lovie or blanket. However, I do have a smart tip if your child gets attached to one…
Keep multiples!
If you find your child has grown attached to sleeping with one item, it helps to quickly buy a few more. It’s also very fun to someday give them a duplicate that is kept in brand new condition to compare to the loved one.
We actually have a panda at the cabin and one at Grandma and Grandpa’s house. If you can’t find the same animal, it may help to work on getting your child ok with one or two other, similar size or feel stuffies.
Music or Sound
Ok, you might think we’ve adopted too many crutches for bedtime at this point, but take what you like and leave what you don’t. This are just some things that have always lead to smooth bedtimes in our house.
When I was pregnant with my son I listened to a lot of Celtic Woman. Once he was born we got the Celtic Woman Lullaby CD. He has listened to that at bedtime every night since.
Luckily, he can also fall asleep just fine without music, but he loves it at home. I couldn’t recommend a more beautiful set of lullabies.
My daughter had a baby sleep sound machine and projector when she was a baby. We then bought another one when that stopped working. The second also stopped working. So, I can’t really recommend a good one of those.
However, since the kids got their Google Home Minis for Christmas she has been able to say, “Hey Google, bedtime” and set an alarm for the morning and hear nighttime sounds. She has also used different meditation sounds. I would imagine you could do the same thing on an Amazon Echo Dot. Those even come with lamps and the cutest Baby Yoda ears stand!

Reading, snuggles, and winding down
Up until this point, with the exception of the water and diffusers, we’ve talked mostly about comfort items. Or, maybe we can think of it all as setting the bedtime mood.
Nothing that has been mentioned contributes to a better bedtime and “setting the bedtime mood” quite as much as this tip.
It’s so important to help the kids wind down at night. Snuggles, reading, calm music or stories, even yoga or meditation. All will go a long way to setting your family up for success with a better bedtime.
Running around before bed, rushing to get through the bath and brushing routine, or even having the tv on… all will make it much harder to settle into bedtime.
In our house, the kids know to get ready for bed and then start reading. Sometimes it’s all together with snuggles, sometimes the kids read to Grandma on the phone or the rest of us in Mom and Dad’s bed, but it’s a very important part of making sure we have better bedtimes.
Whatever works best for your family. Set aside that time right before bed to relax and come together.
Nighttime gummies
The last trick up my sleeve for better bedtimes – and I wish I had found this when the kids were younger – is melatonin. This would have been a lifesaver!
I always heard moms talking about melatonin, but I didn’t know much about it. I thought it was some kind of medicine that I had to research and make sure not to give the kids too much of.
However, when we finally did buy some “nighttime gummies” as we call them. It was amazing! I thought, even if they just had a placebo affect, it would be worth it. However, as someone who has also tried them, I can say they really do help to calm and give you better sleep.
Not a bad trick to have up your sleeve! Plus, you can feel pretty good about the responsible companies making these and marketing them for kiddos.
Also Read: How to keep your kids from waking up too early
A better bedtime is what works for your family
Above all, a better bedtime is whatever works for your family. There is no right or wrong way, no matter what people will tell you. You do what works best for you and don’t feel a moment of guilt about it!
You’re doing great, parents and other caregivers! It’s all just trial and error. Where there is love, you can’t really go wrong.
So keep doing what you’re doing and you will fall into a better bedtime as long as you keep an open mind and make changes that work for you.
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Don’t forget to check out the SJ Wave faucet filter for all of those bedtime glasses of water! Thank you so much for sponsoring this post.