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Scraaam Balance Bike Giveaway {MAYbe You’ll Win Giveaway Hop}

May 9, 2017

Our family swears by balance bikes! Our Little Guy learned on one and it helped him a ton. Balance bikes are so much easier for both parents and kids. Now that we’ve had two different balance bikes, we can easily say we love our Scraaam Balance Bike the best! There are so many things to love about this bike, and you can win a Scraaam Balance Bike for your little one as well as many other prizes in the MAYbe You’ll Win Giveaway Hop!

Scraaam Balance Bike - great transition to pedal bike

We were provided a Scraaam bike to facilitate our review, as well as a bike to give away to one of you lucky readers! All opinions are honest and our own. This post also may contain affiliate links.

Balance bikes are a fantastic way to help your little one learn to ride a bike. Not only are they smaller and lighter, but they are much easier for small children to ride and they help them learn to balance better than training wheels.

We are big fans of kiddos learning on a balance bike.

Why every kiddo needs a balance bike

Balance Bike vs Training Wheels

We tried the training wheels, but they kept getting stuck on uneven ground and needed a push, the kids had a hard time getting the bike started, and they were so heavy and bulky when the kids inevitably decided they didn’t want to ride anymore.

A balance bike was a total game changer for the kids and ourselves!

Balance bikes are smaller, lighter, and much easier for the kids. Instead of needing a push to start, the kids have their feet on the ground the whole time. They have much more control and can get themselves started, over uneven ground, and they don’t get tangled up in the pedals.

Balance bikes are much better for parents because they allow the kids to become more independent. Starting and stopping is no problem and the bikes are so light. Instead of getting tangled up in the pedals, bending down at an awkward angle, or carrying a heavy bike and getting hit in the chins with training wheels, these bikes can be carried in one hand and are no problem at all!

Pink Scraaam Balance Bike

Scraaam Balance Bike

We had a balance bike for our son, so we’ve had the chance to compare them both and this one is our favorite.

+ VERY lightweight!
+ handle on the back of the seat
+ foot grips
+ beautiful pink color
+ two sets of stickers to customize yourself
+ includes a stand
+ two seats included to adjust more fully
+ easy to assemble
+ excellent way for kids to learn!
+ great quality

– The stand is great but we find our bikes to slip off unless we have it juuuust right

This balance bike is the best we’ve seen! We are so impressed with SCRAAAM balance bikes!

We had a balance bike that our son learned on and it was so great for helping him learn to balance and be ready for a big kid bike. It made learning a breeze. We were going to hand the balance bike down to his sister, but couldn’t resist this great, pink bike. I’m so glad we decided to get her her own!

Scraaam Balance Bike - easy to assemble

The bike was easy to assemble. We loved that it came with two seats so we could adjust the seat more than our previous bike. We also loved the addition of the handle on the back of the seat for steadying or carrying. Only one of the seats had this handle. As I mentioned, we did have a small scuff in our paint when the bike arrived, but it’s nothing that wouldn’t be done after a couple of rides or drops by our kiddo anyway. 🙂

The absolute best thing about this bike is the weight! It is so much lighter than our previous bike, and I thought that was pretty light. This has it beat! As often happens with little kids, we inevitably end up carrying the bike when we are on long walks or get to the park or yard and they run off. So, you will carry the bike often. This bike is something like less than 5lbs and you hardly know you’re carrying it. I grab it right from the large bar in the center and find it so comfortable in my hand and easy to hold. With our son’s bike, the handlebars tended to turn and make it a little awkward, but I haven’t noticed it at all with this bike.

Lightweight Scraaam balance bike

Our daughter loved that it came with two different types of stickers to choose from. I preferred the white hearts because they look great with the white writing, but she chose the more colorful decals. They include two of each so you can stick them on both sides of the center bar. It’s also very nice that there is a stand for the bike. I’ve never seen this with any other bikes. We have had to be sure to place it on the stand just right, because if we do it quickly and are not paying attention it doesn’t always stand right. One other thing that stands out from our other bike is that the Scraaam balance bike has grips and a place for kids to place their feet when the start to get the hang of keeping their balance and coasting. It’s really great to have that option!

We love, love, love this Scraaam balance bike! I’m so happy we go her her own bike because the weight and size, beautiful color, and stand make this an improvement over her brother’s bike. It’s so fun to watch her want to ride her bike. These are much easier for bike rides than training wheels because they were always getting suck, uneven, or she needed a push to start. Kids can be much more independent with these balance bikes!

Win a Scraaam Balance Bike

Win a Scraaam Balance Bike!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Enter more MAYbe You’ll Win Giveaways!

Welcome to the MAYbe You’ll Win Giveaway Hop brought to you by The Hopping Bloggers!

Hosted By: Mama Smith’s & Women and Their Pretties

Co-Hosted By: Bit O’ Everything

Each giveaway has a value of a minimum of $15, however some are worth much more. Be sure to enter to win all of them because there is no limit to how many you can win. GOOD LUCK!

Kristin - Exploring Domesticity

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  1. I love that it weighs less than 5 pounds! Amazing! With it being so light, it would probably get more use.

  2. My favorite feature is the carrying handle on the seat! This will help me to hold the bike steady without touching her!

  3. I like that it’s very lightweight — we live at the base of a fairly steep hill and the littles generally need a lift up the hill.

  4. I love that it is light and has a carrying handle so my child can transport it if they want to.

  5. I love that it’s easy to put together which is a relief and also that it’s light weight so it can be carried around once the kid takes a break from it

  6. I like that it Includes 2 seats, one with carrying handle. There is a beginner seat for younger/smaller riders and then a larger, padded seat which includes a, unique to its class, carrying handle that allows kids to pick up the bike.

  7. I love that the Scraam Bike weighs a LESS THAN 5 pounds and
    Includes 2 seats, one with carrying handle. There is a beginner seat for younger/smaller riders and then a larger one.

  8. favorite feature would be 10” ultra-light sport wheels with EVA foam rubber tires – no flats and no maintenance for the parents.

  9. There are several features I like one being the 4 levels of protection which is great I know all of my 4 kids hop off their bikes and leave them lying without the thought to use the kickstand so the extra protection is a huge plus for me. I, Also, like that it’s ultra light weight and weighs less than 5 pounds!

  10. 10” ultra-light sport wheels with EVA foam rubber tires are the best solution for new riders and means no flats and no maintenance for the parents. Love this feature hate flat tires.

  11. I like that it is lightweight and has EVA foam rubber tires. Thanks.

  12. I like that the ultra-light sport wheels with EVA foam rubber tires are the best solution for new riders and means no flats and no maintenance for the parents.

  13. I really like the handle on the back of the seat. Would make teaching my son how to ride a lot easier for me!

  14. I like that the bike is light, and that it has
    Two seats! Makes it
    Easier to help your child if you have somewhere to
    You are hand to help guide them!

  15. I love that there are 2 seats for growth. I really love that this weighs less than 5 pounds for carrying. I alos love the kid sized handlebar grips.

  16. I like that it has a quick release fasteners on the handlebar and seat for fast easy adjustments.

  17. I like the grips were designed to fit a kids hands and feature 4 level side guard protection.

  18. Love that its lightweight. 5 lbs is nothing and will be easy to move from house to house when visiting Nanas!

  19. I love that the bike is so lightweight and that its handle bars are smaller than the norm making them more appropriate for kids’ hands. I also love that it comes with a stand!

  20. My favorite feature is lightweight and compact design. easy to carry and easy to balance.

  21. My favorite features are the strength and lightness of the frame. It looks durable without being overly heavy.

  22. My favorite about the bike is, no peddles. That’s so neat and I have never heard of seen anything like this before.

  23. I love that there’s 2 seats and that one is a beginners seat and how there is a handle on the seats! I also love that the bike is lightweight and easy to carry around.

  24. I love the carrying handle that allows kids to pick up the bike and that it allows you to hold while the kids are learning.

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