Soaking up summer and finding a new favorite beverage. Check out all our summer fun and Big Easy Tepache! Delicious and refreshing – a unique better for you drink and an excellent choice for summer!
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Wooowww… It has been way too long! Nearly a year has gone by without an update. There has been plenty to share – we’ve been having a lot of good times, crafting and creating, making easy but fun food, and we even took an amazing land and sea Disney vacation!… It’s just been one of those seasons…
I blame two things…
One, I have a job that I absolutely love, and it has taken more of my time over the last year while the kids have been back to school. Isn’t it fantastic when you can get paid for something you truly enjoy?
Two, I share nearly all of our world on Instagram. When I’m constantly sharing there, I forget that I actually have this space that is just mine… I need to get back to this!
So, let’s talk summer fun!
This has been a great summer! We’ve really been making an effort to spend a lot of time outside.
When we’re not boating, swimming, renovating, relaxing, etc… up at the cabin, we’re exploring and playing with some fun outings near home.
Just last weekend, we took the kids to a bike park. The fact that it was a little too crowded when we arrived was a blessing in disguise. We decided to walk the trails of the park and find the lake. That lead to a fantastic time exploring together as a family. Then, when we returned to bike, the park had mostly cleared out.
I’ve found the kids and I both enjoy heading out to a different park. They play on the playground while I get a nice walk in. There’s such a freedom that comes with 9 and 11 and I’m really enjoying being able to let them in and out of my sight so I can make the most of our time.
The Lake
Half our time all summer is being spent up at the cabin. We hang the hammocks, go out on the boat, swim off the mat, play some bocce or bean bags, fly kites, and just enjoy the lake…
Boating and spending time by the water calls for refreshing drinks!
We love trying new things. We love Moms Meet. And we love some cute packaging.
Moms Meet introduced us to Big Easy Tepache and it fits all those boxes. The only downside was that they only sent one of each flavor so I couldn’t share and, once I tried it, I wanted more!
Also Read: Water Mat: The Best Investment of the Summer!
Big Easy Tepache
Tepache is a pineapple soda that is made with organic tropical fruits. Big Easy Tepache is authentically crafted in Mexico with pineapple at its core and it is certified organic, vegan, gluten free, and naturally fermented. So, it contains prebiotics and probiotics and is fantastic for gut health and the immune system, with only 45 calories and zero added sugar. Such a win!
Big Easy Tepache might be my new favorite beverage for the cabin and the lake. It’s so refreshing, the flavors are amazing, and it’s so much better than soda. Plus, the cans are just so stinkin’ cute! Whether you admit it or not, you know that’s a fun bonus for any boat drink.
Big Easy Tepache Flavors
I love these creative and unique flavors! I don’t know that I’ve ever tried anything Prickly Pear before. I definitely found a standout flavor among the three, but the next comes in a close second. You really can’t go wrong with any of the three!
Prickly Pear Lime
The first flavor we tried was Prickly Pear Lime. Being my first ever Tepache, I was pleasantly surprised. I don’t know what I expected… Maybe a bit of a tang like kombucha. It’s actually very sweet from the pineapple and much smoother than I expected a fermented drink to be.
My son, who is a kombucha fan, was excited to try it and thought it was great. My husband who is NOT a kombucha fan was not excited to try it, but I convinced him. He agreed that it’s nothing like kombucha and tastes pretty good.
That being said, Prickly Pear Lime actually ended up being the one I would rank third (out of the three flavors).
Mango Mandarin
While celebrating the Fourth of July at the cabin, we came together with the whole extended family for a Hobo Dinner. At least, that’s what we’ve always called it… Is that ok to say? Does anyone know a better name?
The gist of the dinner is that everything is cooked all in one can over a fire. We used to do it over the campfire, but these days we use propane because we can regulate it better. It’s a really fun spectacle to watch the cans being filled, wait for the steam to billow out, and then pour it all out and dig in.
So, while we were socializing and waiting for dinner to be ready, I drank the second flavor or Tepache – Mango Mandarin.
It was amazing! By far, my favorite flavor!
This is the one that had me looking up where to buy Big Easy. I’m craving it right now! By the way, if you’re wondering you can use this link to find a store or you can find them on Amazon!
Also Read: Family Boating Essentials: 12 Must Haves

Strawberry Hibiscus
I saved the last flavor for a day out on the boat. The refreshing fruity flavor makes Tepache the perfect boat drink!
I love the Strawberry Hibiscus flavor. It definitely came in a solid second, but I would drink absolutely any of the Big Easy Tepache flavors again. They are so good! Also, what other drink can you choose that is refreshing, great for gut health, and only 45 calories. Definitely checks all my boxes!
Heading back up to the lake
As I write this and finish up, I’m also packing and getting ready to head back up to the lake. I’m ready for those hammocks, relaxing with a good book, floating on the lake, and whatever other summer fun comes along.
If your looking for something refreshing with some fantastic benefits to enjoy while you soak up summer, check out and to learn more about Big Easy and Tepache – plus, they’re just super colorful and fun to look through!
Also, if you don’t already, be sure to follow me on Instagram! It has definitely gotten more love than this blog – but I do intend to change that!