So, you’ve attended a blog conference. You have a couple days of life-changing information, motivation, new relationships, a notebook full of notes, and a mile-long to-do list – now what!?!
I’m going to help you stop your head from spinning and break it all down into six steps: what to so immediately, 3 days, 1 week, 2 weeks, 1 month, and forever after.
Sit down for a minute, relax, put the to-do list on hold. Let’s decompress and organize…
Make a lasting impression on anyone on anyone you met who made a lasting impression on you.
- Reach out during the conference on social media (ie. live tweeting, IG/FB comments…)
- Find a chance to talk to them and let them know you’d like to keep in touch
- Give them a handwritten note thanking them for speaking, putting on the conference, or chatting during the conference
- When you exchange cards, not a handwritten note, “so great to meet you! Let’s keep in touch” so that it stands out in their stack of business cards
Within 3 days
Follow the people you met and, exchanged cards with, on their social media channels and let them know you enjoyed meeting them.
There are so many people to meet in a short period of time, this will help you remember the people you came in contact with and help them remember you. Another great way to keep in touch with all the people who shared the experience with you is to
Create or join a Facebook group just for attendees.
You have a pre-built tribe here. Take advantage of it! Share experiences from the conference, promote your conference recaps, find contact information you missed, and learn from others who had a different take than you did. Everyone is so diverse; from one end of the country to the other, large bloggers and bloggers just starting out, different niches of bloggers – it can be such a unique group.
Within 1 Week
Recap the experience on your blog
It can be overwhelming to come back from a conference and have so much information to share and no idea where to start. Just do a quick recap of the feeling you’re having and a brief teaser of all the great things you’d like to share, then spend some time to think about how you can separate those ideas into smaller posts.
It’s usually impossible to fit it all into one post that will keep someone’s attention to the end – there are just way too much awesomeness that comes with a blog conference! Instead, you should be inspired and draw from all you learned to create a months worth of blog posts!
Within 2 Weeks
Reach out to any brands you connected with and be prepared with some ideas of how you could work together.
This could happen sooner, but I chose within 2 weeks to give some time for some genuine and creative thought instead of just shooting off a quick, “I’d love to work together.” You have much more potential for solidifying a relationship with a brand if you take some time to think about your approach.
Something that would work much better could look like, “I really enjoyed meeting you at ___. I loved that your product/company ___ and I think my audience would really relate to a post about ___. I would love to work together in the near future.”
Within 1 Month
Check back over your notes and business cards.
Relive it while you’re not so overwhelmed with it all. Try to reach out to anyone you may have missed, because everyone understands how fast time flies. Study your notes and remind yourself what you learned and all those things you were going to do right when you got home.
Forever After
Strengthen and nourish those relationships.
Don’t just leave the conference and think, “that was great, maybe I’ll do it again next year.” You just met so e amazing people and could end up with some exciting opportunities. Check in from time to time, come up with some more creative proposals for brands, and keep yourself on the radar for these people who will always feel like you shared something special.
{Kathy} These are excellent tips. I went to Allume this year and everything you said above is perfect. I’m glad you reminded me that even after 1 month I should be reaching out more to those folks. Thanks.
Mothering From Scratch recently posted…how to handle unwanted mommy advice
Thanks! Aren’t conferences great? I love them!
I’m bookmarking this for future reference! Thanks!
Tiffany @ The Chi-Athlete recently posted…The Power of “What If…?”
Yes! I hope we may meet at one someday!
Hi Kristin! Great post. These are very good tips, and I definitely try to do all of them. I’ve only been to smaller blog events thus far in my blogging career and have found that live-Tweeting during some of the sessions is a great way to connect with others and start that relationship for when you leave the event. We can all use these reminders, and revisiting your notes a month later is huge. We tend to forget. Hope you have a great weekend:)
Ashley @ A Lady Goes West recently posted…Friday Favorites: prAna, a watch, tea and more
Yes, Ashley!! That’s what I meant by using social media while you are there, but I went in and added live tweeting to that to make it more clear. You’re so right, it helps a lot to connect during!
These are great tips! One of my 2015 goals is to attend a blog conference.
Jennifer Johnson recently posted…Spectacular Fall Salad with Apple Vinaigrette
You have to do it! Not only do you learn about blogging but you meet some awesome people and feel totally unstoppable and ready to try anything – I’m addicted now!
I’ve wanted to attend a blog conference but I don’t have enough vacation days by the time one rolls around, maybe I should plan slightly better huh? I’ve pinned this because these are great tips! Thanks for sharing. I’m stopping by from SITS & I hope your having a great day!
Leslie recently posted…Why Don’t I Own This Already!?
I would definitely recommend planning early to attend one! Bloggy Boot Camp by SITS was my first blog conference and I learned so much, but most of all it felt like a huge therapy session and I left so empowered! If it is ever near you (even if it’s not) I totally recommend it!
These are great tips! Networking at a blogging conference is key! I can’t wait to attend my next conference. Hoping to go to Fitbloggin or Blogfest this summer.
What was the last conference you went to?
Sandra Laflamme recently posted…Happy Hug a Runner Day! November 20th
I loved BlogFest! I would love to attend FitBloggin someday too. BlogFest was my last “blog conference” but I just attended WOW Summit (by Moms Meet and KIWI Magazine) and there was a lot there for bloggers so I would count that one too. Hopefully we’ll meet up at one this summer!!
I’ve blogged on and off since 2009, and have never attended a blog conference before. I’ve attended virtual conferences in the past, but never anything live and in person. That’s something I would definitely like to do in the future. Thanks for sharing your tips with us, I’m definitely pinning.
Wishing you a wonderful week ahead.
Michelle recently posted…How to be Healthy: Natural Beauty FAQs, Vegan Gingerbread Cookies, Heal With Aromatherapy, + 2 More {The Mix}
Thanks Michelle! I highly recommend a conference – there is something so empowering about being in a room full of bloggers!