Always Eat After 7 PM book - week 2

Always Eat After 7pm: Week 2

June 1, 2020

Always Eat After 7pm: Week 2. One week down in the Always Eat After 7pm acceleration phase. Read about how it’s going – the highs and the lows – and why I chose this book!

Always Eat After 7 PM week 2 - that first week and how I'm feeling now
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This post is brought to you by our sponsor, “Always Eat After 7 PM”. The opinions expressed below are my own. 

Last week, I introduced you to a new book that I can’t put down. Always Eat After 7 PM: The Revolutionary Rule-Breaking Diet That Lets You Enjoy Huge Dinners, Desserts, and Indulgent Snacks—While Burning Fat Overnight by Joel Marion.  

It’s changing everything I thought I had to do to successfully lose weight. In case you missed it, head back now and read about why I need this book!  

For all of those reasons (and more), I’m ready to jump in and start changing my mindset, changing the way I look at “food rules,” and get started becoming the best woman and mom I know I can be! 

As I mentioned, my self-esteem has taken a real hit lately.

However, I don’t think I told you that I really struggle each morning when I wake up. Nearly every single morning, I awake with feeling of guild and disgust. Every morning I say, today will be different. Every day I have a moment that I consider enough to knock me off track for the entire day and the cycle starts again the next morning. 

That is really discouraging. Also, not a fun way to live and nothing I would let those I love get away with doing to themselves. 

So, how is this book going to help? 

You guys! This book is so refreshing.

It takes all those strict rules that make us feel like failures, and turns them on their heads.  

Instead of berating myself for hunger after 7 pm, I now know what to eat. I know that I can eat a full meal if I want, as long as I make smart choices. In fact, it will probably help in the long run instead of having junk food that leads me to feel unsatisfied and willing to wreck my whole day. 

When asked what was most surprising while researching for this diet, the author said, “That almost everything my college education and certifications taught me was NOT grounded in published scientific research.” 

Can you believe it!? These rules we kill ourselves over and hear all the time, don’t have the data to support them! 

If this doesn’t make us all want to jump on board, I don’t know what will! 

“After authoring 6 best selling books it was glaringly obvious there were 2 huge misconceptions about dieting that needed to be exposed. The first is that you can’t eat late at night or before bed, which science now shows is NOT true. And second, you can’t eat large portions that satisfy your natural instinct. This book solves both these problems by providing an evidence-based, enjoyable approach to dieting that can be used by any person to quickly achieve their weight loss goals.” 

I’m so happy to have found this book that takes my biggest struggles – portion control and late-night cravings – and addresses them in a way that helps me understand it’s ok to listen to my body. I’m not failing if I’m hungry at night or want to fill my plate at meal time.  

I can now save my discipline for the most important part – learning how to fuel my body correctly. This book gives you the right times to eat certain foods, how to eat the right food so you can get the biggest bang for your buck, and how to “cheat” without going overboard or feeling too restricted. 

“Always Eat After 7 pm is a three-phase program that teaches you how to lose big by strategically eating big when you are naturally hungriest—in the evening. This may sound too good to be true, but let me assure you it is no gimmick. It’s all about making strategic and smart food swaps, and you can still eat your favorite foods.” 

Always Eat After 7 PM book

Always Eat After 7pm – 1 week in…

So, how is it going one week in?

I have been eating the recommended foods from the book. I haven’t been following the meal plans… because Carona shopping is hard right now. However, I have been resisting all the treats and snacks my family always asks if I want. I have been filling up on veggies and protein.

This last week has been the best I have stuck to an eating plan, and I’m proud of that.

However, I have to say, it has had it’s highs and lows.

Let’s start with the lows…

I have been struggling to break through a certain point on the scale and I always bounce up and down around the same 5 pounds.

I thought for sure after a week in, eating as well as I have, I would see a good jump on the scale. Usually that initial bit is water weight, but it does feel so good to see that change.

However, I’m still right around those few pounds. Granted, I’m on the lower end.

How about the highs!

Honestly, that’s really the only low. The rest are all positives!

Eating the foods I am, I’m finding myself not hungry and not tempted to “cheat.”

I’m actually feeling pretty darn great this week – physically and mentally! No more waking up with negative thoughts first thing in the morning!

One “problem” I’m having is getting enough calories at this point. I believe this is why I’m not seeing the movement on the scale that I was expecting. I’m feeling so good and not hungry, that I haven’t been snacking as often late at night.

In this next week of the acceleration phase, I’m going to focus on eating eating a bit more. I’m also going to keep the book handy and try to get a better plan for my food so that I’m getting enough calories in the day.

cottage cheese, tomato, and hard boiled egg

I’m excited to keep going!

I’m learning so much, and this book is amazing. I want everyone to give it a read, especially if you ever feel the way I described before. Let’s be kinder to ourselves with a plan that doesn’t tell us just to get over carb cravings or late night hunger pains! 

Learn more about Always Eat After 7 PM: The Revolutionary Rule-Breaking Diet That Lets You Enjoy Huge Dinners, Desserts, and Indulgent Snacks—While Burning Fat Overnight by Joel Marion and how to purchase here

Also Read: Always Eat After 7pm: Week 1

Kristin - Exploring Domesticity

This post is brought to you by our sponsor, “Always Eat After 7 PM”. The opinions expressed below are my own. 

Diet misconceptions debunked

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