Hey moms! Find all sorts of useful tips and parenting hacks from other moms just like you. The Mom Life: Real Moms Interview Series is a place to get support and advice from people who have been there… or are there. Today we’re hearing about Liz’s Mom Life.
Liz is a working mom of two school age kiddos. She is a big proponent of family time and especially family dinner. She has plenty of fantastic things to share about her family and mom life in general.

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I love hearing advice from other moms. Learning tips from moms who are rocking motherhood is so inspiring to me! Moms who have tips for easy weeknight meals, creating family moments, cleaning hacks, money saving, family travel, and just Mom Life in general.
This week we’re hearing all about Liz’s Mom Life! Liz is a working mom to two kiddos. She has some fantastic ideas for family time, and I love the emphasis she puts on family dinners! You can find Liz on Instagram or at her blog Working Mom Facts.

Liz’s Mom Life
Tell us about your family
We are a family of four living in Southern California. We are dual full-time working parents with a very active little boy and a beautiful little girl in elementary school, although I feel like she thinks she’s 18. #momproblems
As a mom, what is the best part of your day?
There are two best parts: part one is that first sip of coffee in the morning before everyone is up and part two is when I’m tucking my kiddos in at night. I have a little nighttime ritual with each of them.
3 Words that describe your parenting style?
Oh tough one. Present. Real. Adaptive.
What is a parenting rule you never break?
Family dinner. We have family dinner together almost every night. No TV. Just us together. I can’t say all meals are totally home cooked but we are together and that is what matters. I grew up having family dinner together and I credit that action to largely shaping my expectations and value that I place in the family unit. We always need to make time for each other.
What is a parenting rule you always break?
Eating in the car. I wash the car and vow there is no more food allowed in my car. Then wham! Enter snacks and sports drinks.

How do you prioritize family-time and me-time?
I’m getting better at this. Family-time still takes the majority of my time but since I switched jobs and am not commuting so far I have a little less mom guilt. That makes me-time a little easier to take. I try to make time for me to work out two to three times a week. I aim for lunch or in the morning before the family wakes. And I try to do a girls only something once a month. Doesn’t usually work like that though.
What is your go-to, easy weeknight meal?
- Aidell’s Chicken Teriyaki Pineapple Meatballs
- Birdseye Steam in Bag Asian vegetables
- White rice
- Teriyaki sauce
What is your favorite family activity?
I would say I love it when we go for walks along the beach to look for seashells. I also love going and watching my kids play soccer.
What advice would you give new moms?
I would say that it’s good to listen to advice knowing that there is not the perfect answer. You have to try a lot of tactics and styles to see what suits you and your family. And don’t let anyone ever shame you for trying to do it your way. If you and your kids are happy, healthy and safe, who cares?! Just find your groove and remember that it takes 9 months to grow a baby and parenting skills don’t happen overnight.
Do you have a “Mom Hack” you can’t live without?
Yes. This was more relevant when my kids were little but my youngest still likes it. Instead of putting milk in the cereal I would mix the cereal with yogurt to avoid the milk mess in the morning. It was just one less thing that this working mom had to worry about.
Also Read: Morning Routine for kids – set yourself up for success
Also, with my oldest I’ve started giving her packing lists for trips with things like 2 pairs of long pants, 4 pairs of underwear etc. And she has started packing her own travel bags pretty darn well. All I do is quickly look it over. It’s fabulous!
How do you balance work and home life?
It’s tough. The one thing I’ve come to figure out is that there is never balance. The only thing I can count on is that there will be ebs and there will be flows. And I can endevour to do all that I want with home life but sometimes that just won’t work. I just can’t give up on doing my best to achieve it.

Family Travel: What is your favorite spot or family travel memory?
Hawaii – Oahu. We had a wonderful time swimming in the ocean together, exploring the island and snorkeling
Do you have a can’t-live-without Mom/family products to share?
Easy – Method all-purpose cleaning spray. It’s safe and non-toxic. I use it all the time and have started handing it to my kids to spray and wipe down the dining room table. I love that I can rest assured they aren’t breathing in bleach or other harmful fumes.
If you enjoyed reading about Liz’s Mom Life, check out last week’s Mom Life Interview.
A big thank you so Liz for sharing her Mom Life – I loved reading all about how they spend quality time together as a family! If you want to hear more about Liz’s working mom life, check out her site Working Mom Facts and find her on Instagram!
Meet more moms and read their advice and experiences every Saturday! You can also find more Mom Life tips on our Mom Life Pinterest Board.
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