This was a good week. My eating is still taking some work, but my activity has been great! I’m hoping for a little of that to reflect on the scale, but we’ll see…
I was at the cabin last weekend, which is usually a hard place for me because of all the shared meals,candy jars, and desserts. I’d say I did ok. I had ice cream, I resisted the candy jar more than the past, and I made healthy choices for lunch and dinner.
Not too bad.
This last week at home I’ve been doing better with planning meals. We’ve had some baked fish with broccoli, chicken with cauliflower, and I’ve been having salads, veggies, and veggie burgers for lunch.
On Monday my cousin invited me to a free workout group, but it was a crazy hot day so they just went for a walk. We worked up a good sweat and walked about three miles. It gave me a good excuse to walk around a different part of my beautiful town.
I went again on Wednesday and got an awesome circuit workout: push-ups, butt kickers, squats, bicep curls, walking lunges, and lower abs
I was really feeling it, and to top it all off I spent the next day loading, hauling, and stacking 9 trailer loads of branches (some twice my size) the next day. Talk about a workout! I think I hit my daily step goal early afternoon. To hoist those huge branches onto the high piles required so much of my core I feel it when I laugh.
I love it!
That is my kind of workout. I would haul logs every day if I could. I love having a task to complete, working hard, and lifting heavy stuff. So it was a pretty great day.
I feel sore in the best way, proud of my workouts this week, and ready to tackle that eating even more.
I guess we should see what the scale has to show…
Well… I’m only about a pound down from when I started these check-ins… Womp, womp…
I didn’t weigh in last week, but I think I’m down about a pound and this photo was taken after a big,tasty breakfast of over easy eggs over spinach – yum.