Mother's Day Experiences: Gift Experiences instead of the traditional flowers

Mother’s Day Experiences Instead of Gifts

There is something better to give Mom for Mother’s Day than a card, gift, or flowers. Giving Mom the chance to experience something, take an outing, go and do something without the kids, or spend some time pampering herself is the best gift ever! Here are some great ideas for Mother’s Day Experiences instead of […]

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health | healthy living | kids

Motivating Mom Sara M

Stop at nothing in the journey to find out what makes you happy. I love hearing stories from other moms, especially those who are committed to living a healthy lifestyle and raising a healthy family. I’m very inspired by other moms and I love to hear how they stay committed to setting a healthy example […]

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Motivating Mom Alyssa: Little activities add up!

I love that my girls are growing up watching and joining me in fun fitness activities. I love hearing stories from other moms, especially those who are committed to living a healthy lifestyle and raising a healthy family. I’m very inspired by other moms and I love to hear how they stay committed to setting […]

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health | kids

10 Minute “Me Time” Ideas for Busy Moms

  As moms we take care of everyone else and forget all about ourselves. We don’t do it on purpose, or even really believe we don’t deserve it, we just completely forget about ourselves while taking care of others. Even if it’s quick, that “me-time” is so important. When we take care of ourselves we […]

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