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Motivating Mom Marnie

Motivating Mom Marnie runs two business and is raising a family of healthy, fun, well- adjusted kids.  My mindset around wellness has really shifted over the years to a complete mind/body wellness and it goes much deeper than physical appearance. I love hearing from other moms and how they stay committed to a healthy lifestyle and […]

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100 Kettlebell Swings for 100 Days: Day 25

I’m one quarter of the way through! Day 25 of my 100 days of 190 kettlebell swings. I’m really enjoying having something to commit to, and I’ve had no problem getting it in each day. I don’t necessarily think there have been any major changes for the kettlebells alone and my eating has been so-so, […]

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WOW Summit: Sneak Peek {WOW Summit Recap}

WOW Summit 2014 was AMAZING! It was so much more than I was hoping for and I feel so fortunate to have had the chance to meet the wonderful people of Moms Meet, the inspirational and informative speakers, the fantastic sponsors, and all the other amazing moms! If you’ve ever been to a conference, you […]

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Words of Wisdom from Jane Austen {Quotables}

Who else is obsessed with a good quote??? I totally am. Some people can say something that just touches you right when you need it. I used to read all of Jane Austen’s novels more than once for just after high school and I picked up a collection of her personal quotes and quotes from […]

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