health | weight loss

Weight Loss Community: how support makes all the difference

November 11, 2016

I’ve lost 50 pounds… twice…

I’m currently back on the side of attempting to do it again a third time. Getting to this point once again, I have struggled to get back into the same mindset and habits I once had. As I’ve struggled, I’ve tried to figure out what it was that helped me be so successful previously.

I’ve finally figured out the common denominator.

The times I’ve been most successful with weight loss and feeling good and healthy is when I have been excited about the new changes and have found support and accountability.

A weight loss community is instrumental to my own personal success.

In my case, I need to lose weight to become healthier and feel comfortable, but this could apply to anyone who is just looking to live healthier, build muscle, eat better, etc. Just replace “weight loss support” with the type of support you need.

Finding a Weight Loss Community

My first successful 50 pound weight loss occurred when I was in grad school. I had just finished my first semester of some of the most intense studying I had ever done, and everyone else was blowing off steam with an active social life.

I was alone in my apartment. Embarrassed and uncomfortable with people seeing me.

I joined Weight Watchers Online, weighed in at 186, and never looked back. I didn’t have all the information I have now, but I created some healthy habits and the weight came off quickly.

The biggest reason for my success was great friends and a fantastic rec center. We started taking kickboxing classes. Then, I took what I felt was a big leap into a Core Circuit Class – it was hard! It was also the most rewarding experience and got me in the best shape I’d ever been in. By the time I graduated, I also found someone to join me for a 5am spin class.

I was having fun.

I didn’t worry about my weight again for another 2 years. After getting married in 2010, having my first kiddo in 2011 and my second in 2012, my weight was up higher than ever.

As a new mom, this time around looked much different.

While nursing babies, I passed the time with Pinterest and found the world of blogging. I decided to document my progress and share in the journey of others.

Once I found the DietBet community, I had really hit my stride and the pounds came off once again.

Dietbetter support
my favorite graphic from

As I said, I was at my highest weight following the birth of the two kiddos, so I never did quite reach my goal…

I started working from home and the kiddos were only in a couple hours of preschool three days a week. The stress and lack of time started getting to me. I lost touch with my main goal of setting a healthy example for my little ones and being an active mom.

Finding a Weight Loss Community

I did it a couple times, in different situations. That social interaction and support was the key ingredient for me. I completely recommend finding a group of people who will motivate and push you further!

  • Find a friend who has similar goals for a healthy lifestyle. Check in with each other or make plans to meet and workout.
  • Join a gym. Better yet if you can do this with a friend an schedule when you’ll be there.
  • Attend classes regularly. As you continue with the class you will begin to see friendly faces and look forward to seeing one another
  • Find an online community like DietBet. The built-in support and accountability are great.
  • Get active with other moms and kids. If you have a mom group in your area, plan some activities that will keep you active. You could also look for something like Stroller Strides or Moms on the Run.

Finding a weight loss community

Which brings me to the present.

I’m not back to where I was after kids, but I am higher than the day I reached my highest weight in grad school.

It’s so depressing. Once again, I find myself avoiding social situations and embarrassed to see people I haven’t seen in a while. I’m so ashamed of the example I’m setting for my little ones.

It’s so important to me to teach my kids to eat healthy foods, nourish their bodies, and stay active.

I’ve been trying many things. A couple weeks ago, I signed up for another DietBet and I felt that same excitement I did a few years ago. The weight loss community is the thing that really seems to make a difference.

The problem is making sure that excitement lasts.

It’s nice to have a place to share triumphs and struggles, as well as find inspiration and advice. However, I find that my motivation always wanes a bit because I have to make sure I’m checking in with that community.

I need deadlines and commitments.

I miss having to meet a friend for a class at a specific time. When I was in grad school, I had a whole community of peers who I met at different times for different classes and even hikes on the weekend.

Once you become a mother, if you don’t have friends close by, it becomes as much work to create that weight loss community as it does to commit to healthy living…

My husband has a pretty unpredictable schedule and we can’t really swing a family gym membership. I was looking into classes that began after the kids went to bed at 7pm and came up with nothing… Ugh…


I have a few ideas for finding weight loss support this time around, but I’m losing steam once again. So….. I’m reaching out for advice!

Do you have a community of people who help keep you energized and accountable? How did you find or create this community?

Do you have any other bits of advice to share?

Thank you in advance!

Kristin - Exploring Domesticity

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  1. I’m not trying to lose weight, but I see lots of weight-loss Meetups in our area (SF Bay) and I think that’s a great way to get in shape and make a lifestyle change when you have a tight group of people that all have the same goal. Great tips!

  2. yes yes yes! community makes ALL HARD THINGS much easier and more nejoyable. i have accountability partners with health, fitness, business, faith EVERYTHING!

  3. I have a lot of fitness friends but I actually enjoy working out. My hubby and I workout together at least 3 days a week unless I’m doing a program that is “too girl” and/or doesn’t interest him. I do best with programs, so like 30-90 days of Piyo, Insanity, ect programs that are structured. I don’t do eating plans that go with them only the fitness. Lately I’ve been trying to switch things up so it isn’t all running, piyo, strength, HIIT, barre, ect and that is where I’m having a hard time. I still workout 5-6 days a week but trying to find that balance of everything to feel my best.

    If you’re looking for a new program I highly recommend Nourish Move Love, a local blogger and fitness instructor that has a great 20 minute program you can easily do at home.

  4. I think anything is more fun with friends! i have never been someone who needed someone else to help me be accountable, but it is always fun to go to a workout class or hit the gym with friends. One of my favorite way to catch up with friends is on a nice hike! Goodluck on your journey! You got this!
    Kerri McGrail recently posted…How to Substitute Eggs in Vegan BakingMy Profile

  5. This is exactly why I created a Facebook group to support and motivate others to lead a healthy/fit lifestyle. It’s hard going it alone with no support. Especially if you’re busy with a lot of stress in your life. Sometimes the last thing you want to do is exercise. But knowing someone else is depending on you is key! Good luck and join my FB group!! :0
    Chrissy recently posted…20 MINUTE CARDIO KICKBOXING TABATA WORKOUT!My Profile

  6. What a wonderful post. Love your honesty. I totally agree that having a circle of friends and support is so important.

  7. My community is my gym, which is where I work. As a certified personal trainer and group fitness instructor, I am charged with inspiring others and holding them accountable…but the harder they work, they more they inspire me to keep doing what I’m doing! Two-way street!

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