Breakfast sandwiches are the perfect way to get a full and satisfying breakfast on the go. We used to make them ahead of time and freeze them, but we have found a better way! Believe it or not, you can make an entire breakfast sandwich in the time it takes to reheat a frozen one!
I’ll let you in on our tips for delicious breakfast sandwiches that are just as fast as frozen!
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We love breakfast sandwiches!
Breakfast sandwiches are a big hit in this house. My husband has been making one each day before work for the past 7 years. We used to buy pre-made, frozen breakfast sandwiches. That’s a huge pain! We were buying boxes and boxes.
One of the very first post I shared on this blog was about my process of making enough frozen breakfast sandwiches to last three weeks.
To this day, it’s still one of our post popular posts. I cringe every time I see those old photos come up on Pinterest! We did our breakfast sandwiches this way for years, and I finally updated the post and added frozen breakfast burritos to the mix.
I still think it’s a great idea to make a bunch of breakfast sandwiches assembly-line style like that. They’re great for kids to reheat, fantastic for traveling, or even just nice to have on hand if you have overnight guests or kids slumber parties.
Everything changed when we got this one tool.
We found a microwave egg cooker that has been a total game changer. You wouldn’t believe how fluffy it gets the eggs! Plus, they are just the right size for a sandwich.
I mentioned this once before when I was sharing egg cooking items I love, but I can’t stress this one enough. My husband uses it everyday before work and I use it nearly every day for our son before school.
So, here’s what we do for our breakfast sandwiches…
My husband and son are currently eating their breakfast sandwiches with mini bagels, eggs, and cheese slices from Aldi. The sausage they like is the Spicy Great Value Sausage from Walmart or Aldi sausage patties.
- Each morning when my son gets up, we gather the eggs, cheese, and mini bagels from the fridge and sausage patties from the freezer.
- We put the sausage patty on a paper towel on a plate and microwave for 1 minute.
- While that is cooking, there is enough time to crack the egg in the egg cooker, add S&P, and scramble with a knife.
- When the Sausage comes out of the microwave, the egg goes in for 1 minute.
- While that is cooking the sausage goes on one side of the bagel, and a slice of cheese on the other.
- The egg goes in the middle and I cut it in half with the knife used earlier.
So easy! It takes under 3 minutes to get it all done. Best of all, since only the egg and sausage are warm, you can dig right in instead of waiting for the sandwich to cool off after being cooked from frozen. So, I’d say it takes less time that frozen sandwiches!
The mini bagels are great because you get more in a bag than you get with English muffins for the same price. We have found we don’t go through them enough to keep them in the pantry, so we keep them in the fridge with everything else. They still keep their great texture, so it works for us.
Other ways we’ve made our breakfast sandwiches…
When I used to make breakfast sandwiches in the past I always used English muffins. I’ve never been a fan of English muffins, and my son doesn’t like them as much, so we don’t use them anymore. However, they are probably easier to find that these mini bagels. I’m a big fan of sandwich thins, so I think they are great for breakfast sandwiches as well.
If you’re more of a bacon person, having some slices of precooked bacon on hand would make for some delicious breakfast sandwiches! Or, if you’re trying to make it a little healthier, maybe some Canadian bacon.
Even though I cringe at this old post, there are many more ideas for excellent variations for your breakfast sandwiches.
Breakfast sandwiches are one of the easiest on-the-go breakfasts. Just wrap them up in a foil sheet and go. If you don’t have a box of pop-up foil sheets, I highly recommend them! They make it so easy to quickly wrap up sandwiches and other small foods in the kitchen. As an added bonus, these fit my toaster oven perfect, so I use them all the time!
What’s your go-to for a quick breakfast?
Is there something your kids like each morning?
Microwave Egg Cookers for Breakfast Sandwiches
Breakfast Sandwich Makers
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