Kids love a theme, and they can ask for some pretty creative ones. I was tasked with throwing a Bunny Birthday Party, and it was so much fun! We had bunny crafts, bunny food, and bunny games. A bunny party – or any other animal party – is easier than you think.
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Just before the Spring we added a new member to our family. His name is Everest, and he just turns me to mush! I never realized what amazing pets bunnies are. That’s a whole other story, but if you’re curious mention it in the comments and I’ll go on and on!
To say our little ones have become a little bunny-obsessed is an understatement. All of our Little Lady’s pictures that come home from preschool and kindergarten have had a bunny on them somewhere.
So, it wasn’t a surprise when she requested a Bunny Birthday Party for her sixth birthday.
I was a little unsure of what to do at first. I considered talking her out of it. I had already steered Little Guy away from a panda and bunny birthday party and toward a Spy Party over the summer.
This time, I figured I’d give it a shot. Girls parties are so much fun, and as long as you have a lot of color and a cute table it really is a success. So, I took some tips from our Fairy Tea Party last year and had fun setting an adorable and colorful table.
Bunny Birthday Party Decor
It’s so easy to set up an adorable bunny birthday party. The key is some sweet, bright colors and fitting in some bunny accents without leaning toward an Easter look.
For our bunny birthday party decor, I stared with some easy plastic table cloths. I always have some of these laying around and they’re perfect for kids parties because of the easy cleanup. I love a white table because it makes everything else pop! In our case, we had some bright colored fake flowers, colorful place mats, and some little bunny trinkets I found from scouring Goodwill.
To take advantage of the vertical space, it’s fun to hang some things on the wall or from the ceiling. I love the cute little Happy Birthday sign I found, and the green and pink decor we hung from the light.
Bunny Birthday Party Food
Next, I thought about what type of food would be perfect for a bunny birthday party. I gave Little Lady the choice between individual “carrot” pizzas, or the easier macaroni and cheese. I still think making some adorable pizzas on triangles of crescent rolls like our Caprese Christmas Tree. However, I was pretty relieved to just stick my husband on mac ‘n cheese duty.
I always put out a fruit and veggie tray at all our parties. I just love how colorful they are, and I love having some healthy options out there.
We loaded up our favorite DollarTree tray with some bunny treats:
- Carrots fresh from the garden – stems on, which the kids loved!
- Apple slices
- Cucumbers
- Celery
- Grapes
The biggest hit of them all was definitely the carrots from the garden. I think having them with the stems on really make a difference. The girls also loved that they could give the stems to the bunny after lunch.
The last part of our lunch spread I placed on this cute tiered serving tray I picked up from Goodwill.
On the bottom, we had Annie’s Cheddar Bunnies in plastic sandwich bags. By pouring the crackers into the corner and adding some green ribbon to the top, you can make them look like adorable carrots. For the kids I made it easy and and used a twist tie and just placed the ribbon in there without tying a knot that would be too hard for them to open.
Things don’t always go as planned…
It wouldn’t be a party without at least one fail. Along with the tray and bunny decor, I was so excited to find a silicone mold with little bunny shapes. My first thought was brownies or some kind of baked good, but we already had a cake and cupcakes. We always snag a deal on cakes and cupcakes!
Instead, I thought I’d try Jell-O. Oh my goodness. I have never made such a mess. Let’s just say I stained our island red, dripped sticky Jell-O all over the floor, and they didn’t even come out of the molds in one piece! So, we had jello cups instead. That also left me needing something for the top tier. Taking advantage of this time of year, the top tier of the tray we filled with candy corn.
Bunny Birthday Party Crafts
Six is such a great age to add crafts to a birthday party. It’s good to keep them busy and, in our experience, they all love doing crafts. The key is to keep them pretty simple and it always helps to keep them as mess-free as possible.
Bunny Ears
The first thing the little girls did at the party was to make their own bunny ears. I had some great ideas for more complicated ears, but went with simple which worked out great.
With a pack of inexpensive headbands from the DollarTree and a pack of pipe cleaners, you have everything you need. It’s so simple for the little girls to form the pipe cleaners into little ears and attach them to the headbands. Even with the simplicity of these, I did have to help each little one.
The great thing about making your bunny ears this way is that the girls get to go home with a headband they can wear once they remove the ears.

Bunny Whiskers
Keeping it easy and using the same materials, making some bunny whiskers is also a very easy craft for little ones. They’re so stinkin’ cute when the little ones hold them up to their faces.
All you need are the pipe cleaners, craft sticks, and markers or Crayons. Have each kiddo pick three pipe cleaners and center the top portion of the Popsicle stick over them. Then cross them over and spread out the three whiskers on each side. To complete the look, color the top portion for the bunny nose. So easy!
Bunny Bags
I love having a few simple ideas ready just in case the kids are looking for something to do or in danger of getting too rowdy or not getting along. This is an idea we had ready, but didn’t actually get to during the party.
It’s another one that’s very easy and can be pulled out and completed quickly if the party needs it. Also, if you run out of time, it’s no big deal!
With plain lunch bags, have the kids (or you) draw two ears near the top. They can then use Crayons to decorate a bunny face on the bottom of the bag. With scissors, cut out the bunny ears and cut off the back portion of the top of the bag so the ears are the only thing sticking up. That’s all there is to it and the kids have created their own goody bag for their ears and whiskers.
Bunny Birthday Party Games
After thoughts of making a carrot pinata, we went really simple with the game. I didn’t know if the kids would be into it but it was a hit! They wanted to play over and over again! You really can’t beat the classics.
Pin the Tail on the Bunny
I have saved one of our Easy decorations since I was a kid and it’s a big paper bunny. That bunny has finally found it’s purpose! It didn’t have a tail, but I drew one on and we were ready to go.
We cut out four cardboard circles the night before and glued cotton balls to the front. When the girls we ready to play we just added some masking tape to the back. With a scarf over their eyes, we tried to prevent cheating but those girls are sneaky! After spinning 6 times for the birthday girl, it was pretty fun to watch.
You can get creative and make your own pin the tail on the bunny game or you can buy one from Amazon and make it very easy on yourself. I also spotted a Bunny hop potato sack race, which would be another great bunny birthday party game.
Have your kids ever asked for a unusual birthday party theme? Are you going to throw a Bunny Birthday Party?
Check out our past birthday parties!
Rainbow Birthday Party | Minnesota Children’s Museum Birthday Party | Spy Birthday Party | Fairy Tea Party
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