Hey moms! Find all sorts of useful tips and parenting hacks from other moms just like you. The Mom Life: Real Moms Interview Series is a place to get support and advice from people who have been there… or are there. Today we’re hearing about Julie Cole’s Mom Life.
Julie is the co-founder of Mabel’s Labels and mom of six! She knows a few things about being a business owner and a mom, and keeping it all running smoothly! Julie keeps a laid back attitude while staying organized, balancing work and home, and getting everyone involved to make it all work.

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I love hearing advice from other moms. Learning tips from moms who are rocking motherhood is so inspiring to me! Moms who have tips for easy weeknight meals, creating family moments, cleaning hacks, money saving, family travel, and just Mom Life in general.
I’ve been so excited to hear about Julie Cole’s Mom Life! Julie is the co-founder of one of my favorite companies – Mabel’s Labels Inc. She is also a mom of six with a lot of real-life mom advice to share. She has such good tips!
I have actually been a Mabel’s Labels fan and affiliate for years! They top the list as one of my own mom must-haves. In fact, we use them so much I have many posts where they are mentioned and I’ll keep sharing them in these little boxes!

Julie Cole’s Mom Life
Tell us about your family
I’m a busy mom of six, juggling business, babies and blogging!
As a mom, what is the best part of your day?
Am I allowed to say when they are all asleep? Honestly, I love each part of the day for what it has to offer. Mornings are crazy, but short lived. Mealtimes are loud, but fun. Bedtime can be hectic but cuddles and chats are always a winner.
See Mabel’s Labels here: Baby Gift Ideas
3 Words that describe your parenting style?
Relaxed, chill but consistent
What is a parenting rule you never break?
I don’t bribe.
What is a parenting rule you always break?
Good question! I’d have to ask my older kids. They think I am doing a very inadequate job with their younger siblings. Because, you know, my teenagers are experts and all.
See Mabel’s Labels here: Labeling School Supplies
How do you prioritize family-time and me-time?
I don’t get too stuck on me time. I define it a bit differently – I don’t need a manicure or a massage to feel like I’ve had “me time”. I’d suggest that if “me time” is a priority, do not have six children and start a business.

What is your go-to, easy weeknight meal?
I actually have a monthly meal plan that is posted. It’s a different meal every night of the week, but I keep it very simple. Having the meal plan posted means I don’t hear “what’s for dinner?” six times every day.
What is your favorite family activity?
We love going to the cottage and skiing. It’s hard now to get us all together….with four teenagers, I’m competing with part-time jobs, homework, sports, friends, etc. Mostly, I just love hanging around the house with the kids and their friends all popping by.
See Mabel’s Labels here: Group Trips: How to survive when you’re outnumbered
What advice would you give new moms?
Don’t treat all your kids the same, because they are not the same.
Do you have a “Mom Hack” you can’t live without?
Yes, visual cues for the children. I have posters and tools hanging up in the house reminding them of what their morning routine is, etc. That way they refer to the board rather than me spending the morning nagging them.
How do you balance work and home life?
It’s a constant adjustment. If I feel something is out of balance, I don’t feel guilty or freak out about it…..I simply adjust and make a change.

Do you have any tips for staying on top of household chores?
Yes, get the children to do their share. I have not unstacked a dishwasher in two years.
Do you make a point to stay healthy and fit? If so, how do you fit it into your busy lifestyle?
Be active with your kids. Pushing a triple stroller around for 10 years gave me more mama muscles than any class at the gym can.
See Mabel’s Labels here: 7 Overlooked Items to have in your Disney bag
Do you have a can’t-live-without Mom/family products to share?
You guessed it – Mabel’s Labels!

Thank you Julie!
I can’t thank Julie enough for sharing her Mom Life with us! If you saw My Mom Life Interview, Mabel’s Labels topped the list for products I can’t live without either!
If you’d like to hear more about Julie Cole’s Mom Life, you can often catch her live on Mabel’s Labels Facebook and Instagram pages. Of course, you should also check out Mabel’s Labels to support mom entrepreneurs and find what will sure be one of your must-haves too!
If you enjoyed reading about Julie Cole’s Mom Life, check out last week’s Mom Life Interview.
I loved reading about Julie Cole’s Mom Life. Meet more moms and read their advice and experiences every Saturday! You can also find more Mom Life tips on our Mom Life Pinterest Board.
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