Praise more than punish - catch them being good - feature
kids | parenting

Praise More than Punish: Catch them being good!

Do you ever feel like your constantly scolding your children? Turn it all around with these tips for using praise more than punishment and catching them being good! How you can create a happier environment for all by focusing praising good behaviors more than punishing undesirable behavior. How focusing on catching your child being good […]

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Boy practicing meditation and mindfulness breathing on Zafooz Mindful Monkey
kids | parenting

Kids Meditation and Mindfulness

Kids meditation and mindfulness can be a simple thing to practice at home. Doing so can have numerous positive affects on young children! Planting the seeds of mindfulness early on can develop a strong foundation and help children in many aspects of life. I received this product for free from Moms Meet ( to use […]

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