Fun and easy activities and games for a couples wedding shower. Including, our very popular Tie-the-Knot Relay game. Such fun ideas for your own couples shower!

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I recently co-hosted a couples shower with my cousins and their spouses. They had the food covered but it was up to me to get creative and come up with the invites, decorations, games, and keepsakes.
I can’t believe how well it went, and everything came together relatively stress-free.
I happened to be looking through Pinterest right when my cousin called to discuss the couples wedding shower for our other cousin. When she mentioned they were thinking of doing BBQ, I couldn’t have been more excited.
There are some adorable I Do BBQ invites out there, and what an easy theme! There are also plenty of templates that make it so easy to make your own on PicMonkey and you could start the free trial and have them done for the shower in no time!
Who Is It?
This was fun! After talking with the mothers of the bride and groom, I collected about 10 tidbits of information about each of them. Guests at the shower could take their best guess and we shared the answers just before the gift opening.
The display is also something the couple can keep and use for photos or holiday cards, and it was surprisingly easy to make. The full tutorial is here.
Date Night Jar
A great keepsake for the couple of the hour. With some popsicle sticks and a mason jar, shower guests can share their best date night ideas to help keep the couple inspired and spending quality time together.
Wedding Plate
This is so easy and something the couple can keep forever!
I got a dollar store plate, cleaned it with alcohol, and wrote the couple’s names and date of their upcoming wedding with a Sharpie. The guests then added their personal messages and I gave the bride instructions for baking the plate to preserve (hopefully, as long as the plate stayed pretty clean) all the messages.
Also Read: DIY Coffee Mugs and Pallet Mug Holder Wedding Gift
Place in cold oven and set to 450 degrees. Once the oven gets up to temp, bake for 30 minutes and turn off. Leave the plate in the oven to cool overnight.
Tie-the-Knot Relay
This is something we came up with on the spot while I was grabbing some last-minute supplies from Walmart.
While my cousin was talking about charades or a dance line, I kept thinking we had to come up with something that puts people a little less on the spot but still pretty simple.
I threw out the idea of doing a play on “tie-the-knot” and she came up with the idea of the activity being planting some flowers for the bride-and-groom-to-be. The great thing about this game is that the activities you could do are endless.
Also Read: How to Easily Create a Memorable Couples Shower Game
We had four teams of six – three couples – and each couple had a different task and a different rule to follow.
Leg one of the relay: Each couple was tied together by the ankle. They were responsible for going to collect the items needed to plant their flowers and bring them back. We placed plants, flowers, pots, shovels, and gloves about 10 feet from the table and they had to run down and back.
Leg two: Each couple was tied together at the waist – back to back – and they needed to plant the flowers. We also told them they needed to each take turns with the planting, so they had to keep switching.
Leg three: Each couple was tied together at the wrist and and needed to decorate the pots. They could only use the hands tied together, and needed to tie a ribbon around the pot and write a tag for the happy couple.
Everyone had so much fun!
The Shoe Game
This was a blast! Following the relay, and before the gifts, we sat the couple back-to-back while I read a long list of questions and they answered whether they thought it best described the bride or the groom.
Very cute!
Hint: make sure the last question is, “who do you love most in the whole world?” And make sure they know it is the last question so they can answer correctly for that “Awww” moment – after all the silly ones, you want them to get this one right!
Also Read: Johnny Cash Relay
The shower was a hit, everyone had so much fun.
The games were just enough fun without putting people on the spot, and the theme meant decor couple be inexpensive and adorable.
Check out my inspiration for these games and activities on my wedding Pinterest board… You’ll find the inspiration for the “Who is it?” game, links for Shoe Game ideas, and other I Do BBQ invitations you can order or print yourself.
Follow Exploring Domesticity – Kristin’s board Wedding ideas on Pinterest.
More Wedding and Shower Ideas
- Easy Way to Create Your Own Wedding Shower Game
- Johnny Cash Couples Shower Game
- Coffee Mug Holder – DIY Shower Gift
- Rustic Couples Shower Decor
- Wedding Day Survival Kit
Hi there!
These are the cutest ideas! How exactly does the Who Is It? game work? Do guests have a sheet with the facts on them and make their guesses there? Then the one with the most matches wins? I hate to be dumb, but I want to make sure I do it right.
Thank you!!
Hi Linda!
You could definitely do it that way! We did a very casual version at our party where we just shouted our our thoughts and basically voted on who we thought it was, and then the bride and groom revealed the answer.
I would say to do printed sheets if you’d like to make it a game with prizes. If you’re doing a display like we did, all you really need is a notepad or a numbered list and it can correspond with numbers on the display.
Have a great time with your party, Linda! Let me know how it goes!