Committing to distance learning is tough and so is figuring out your distance learning setup. This is how we thought outside the box and finally found the space for our distance learning desks, and all the things that make our distance learning setup work.

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Well, we’ve made our decision. While other schools have been back in session for a few weeks, our state and district have been pushing back the start date to decide what schooling will look like here.
Our governor has left the decision up to each district and has recommended community COVID-19 numbers to be the guideline for each. For us, that means our school will be doing a hybrid schedule, which can change depending on the current situtation.
The hybrid schedule includes three days of learning at home regardless, and can change to full distance learning if the county numbers rise or affects the school.
Therefore, we made the decision to go full-on distance learning. We have made this tough decision for at least one term because we want to have a consistent schedule. We’d also like to see how the school are able to handle this difficult situation.
Distance Learning Setup
If you’re checking out this post, you may have made the same decision. Or, you may be setting up a space for your own kiddos during a hybrid schedule or “just in case.” Maybe you just want a couple ideas for creating a homework station in your own home.
I can tell you, even if you don’t have the space, you can find some dedicated space for school work!
Last year, when we switched to distance learning, we were all caught off guard. Thus, our distance learning setup was a little sloppy. We all just did our best with what we had and didn’t know how long it would last.
For us, that meant turning our entire dining room table into a classroom during the week. We didn’t even have the energy each day to clean it up so we could eat dinner together. Except for the weekends when we did put everything away, we were eating at the counter or in front of the tv. On the bright side, we did have some nice Disney+ movie nights.

Distance Learning Setup in the Dining Room
If your dining room table is your only option for your distance learning setup, I would recommend creating an easy way to store all the school items. The more organized you make it, the more likely you’ll be to get things cleared away before dinner time.
Last year, we made sure to give each kiddo a plastic bin. They kept all their books and supplies lined up inside and we were able to store them away. We did have a table we designated to school things and kept the bins underneath and the computers on the shelf. Investing in a small shelf or organizer for the room is a fantastic idea.
Rolling Carts
This year, we are using some rolling carts to store the school supplies. You can get these everywhere and they’re all very similar.
The ones we got from Amazon are unavailable, but this one is pretty much the same. Our carts are have metal poles but plastic trays. They are a great size for a school cart! This is a similar color but different style without the handle.
With the three bins, we seem to have enough room for almost everything. We added a piece of wood to the top to give the kids a place to keep their computer as well. That’s why these carts are so great even if you don’t have a designated desk for your kiddo. They could even roll it right up to their chair or the couch!

Distance Learning Setup this year
I have been wracking my brain since last spring trying to figure out a plan for a new distance learning setup. Ideally, each kid would have their own space. They did alright spread out at the dining room table, but there was a lot of spreading out and then bickering over space.
However, I couldn’t think of one space in the house that we could setup a desk or two.
It took me 4 months until it hit me to try turning our dining room table. Instead of filling the room with our table lengthwise, I ran right into the room and started to turn it the other direction. The kids thought I was crazy.
Also Read: DIY Farmhouse Tables and Dining Room Storage
Once I had the table turned and centered along the wall, I removed the two end chairs and placed them to the side.
That was it! I had my vision.
If you have a dining room where your table is taking up the center of the room, this could be an option for you as well.

Distance Learning Desks
Even before figuring out where to put them, I had been looking at small desks. I had hoped inspiration would strike if I found the right one. I found a lot of cute desks! I’ll share some here…
When it came down to it, I couldn’t find desks as simple as I was envisioning. So, like everything else, I just had my dad make them for me.
I’ve shared a lot of furniture and things my dad has built: Double Bunk Beds, Barn Door Bedroom Furniture, Mudroom Cubbies, Playroom Loft Bed, etc.
So, I put in my “order” for the two desks. They are made out of hallow-core doors (one of my dads favorite thrifty and light building materials) and spindles.
Each of our desks is about 2.5 x 2 feet. That gives us enough room for the carts and the dining room table.

At the table
In addition to the desk spaces, I still see us using the table. Therefore, I have a little caddy set up in the middle of the dining room table.
Art Supplies
When the kiddos really need to spread out, the table is likely where they’ll do some of their work or artwork. In the shared caddy we have things like glue, scissors, crayons, and markers.
Pencils and Markers
You can never have enough extra pencils around. I did get each kiddo some fun pencils for the pencil holder on their desk, but we have some here too.
We also have extra dry erase markers. This year, we have a few dry erase supplies. I got some of these sleeves to make any worksheet dry erase and we have some dry erase boards for writing. Also, hopefully coming soon, each kiddos will have a gratitude board where they can use the markers to write a new thing each day.

Thermometer and Hand Sanitizer
Something a little different than before COVID times, we have some virus essentials.
Ever since my husband went back to work, I’ve wanted a touch-free thermometer. It’s great for kids and a bit of a must during this time.
We got this one from Sinocare. All you have to do is point it at the forehead and press the button. Although, I will say it needs to be a short distance from the forehead. I’m finding it more accurate very close to the head and near the temple. It’s a perfect non-invasive way to quickly check my working husband and the kids.
You can find this Sinocare touch-free thermometer on Amazon.
We also have some hand sanitizer in this section. Sure, we are avoiding most germs by choosing distance learning, but we are also continuing with healthy habits that will become the norm following this crazy time. Hand washing, hand sanitizer, and masks will also be a part of our daily lives and the kiddos need to get used to it.

How we’ll use our Distance Learning space
Now that each kiddo has their own desk, we’ve been trying to get them setup with fun new things and we will let them decorate their space a bit. I have an idea for some wall decor that we’ll hopefully share soon.
Each kiddo has an old computer of mine. They are not that great. Our 2nd grader has the slowest of the computers so hopefully we wont run into too much trouble.
I’ve been trying to find something new for each kiddo, but they are hard to find right now! Let me know if anyone has a suggestion.
They login each morning after breakfast. It also helps if we take the time to re-write the schedule and give the kiddos areas to check off. This is another good use for a dry erase board.

Rolling Carts
We are happy to see the computers fit on the carts with our custom wooden top piece. It makes it so easy to place them out of the way, clean up, or move them to the table. You could even get a rolling cart like this one with drawers and an adjustable top to create a standing desk for your computer.
These carts will store their supplies below and, hopefully, make it easy to stay organized and even move around in the home environment.
Dining Table
As I mentioned, the dining table will be the spot for larger projects. They really do have a lot of space at each desk, but in case they want to spread out a little more or do some art, we’ll have the table ready with the supply caddy.
Our favorite labels
We may not be going back to school in the traditional sense, but the best part about he beginning of the school year is new school supplies and getting everything ready.
For us, that always means Mabel’s Labels. We have our favorite ways to label all the kiddos’ school supplies. This year is no exception! Little Lady has already slapped a label on each of her dry erase markers so she knows which ones belong to her.
We can’t recommend Mabel’s Labels enough! We put the mini labels on everything! I also recommend the Ultimate Back-to-School Combo Pack for folders, notebooks, and everything that comes up – and lots of labeling opportunities come up all the time!

It’s not all about school
The most important thing is to remember it’s not all about school. This will be a different year, our kiddos will need to adjust, and we all need to have grace.
Take some extra time for hugs and snuggles, because you can. Get those kiddos outside and don’t forget about recess. Most of all, give yourself a break and give your kiddos a break.
Also Read: Stay Active in and around your home
Embrace this time and this different look to learning. Take advantage of all those little things that this allows you to do and continue to look on the bright side when things get hard.
We’re all in this together and we’re all doing our best with the choices we have. I believe in all of you, and I believe this school year can be amazing! You got this!

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