Hey moms! Find all sorts of useful tips and parenting hacks from other moms just like you. The Mom Life: Real Moms Interview Series is a place to get support and advice from people who have been there… or are there. Today we’re hearing about My Mom Life… these days!
Mom of two grade school kiddos and a bonus teenager! Talking about the struggle of those young years, step-parenting, and how great things are now! Read on for my favorite parts of Mom Life, travel spots, what we’re reading, and must-haves.

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I love hearing advice from other moms. Learning tips from moms who are rocking motherhood is so inspiring to me! Moms who have tips for easy weeknight meals, creating family moments, cleaning hacks, money saving, family travel, and just Mom Life in general.
It’s back! After letting the Mom Life Interview Series fade away during the busy summer, and not resurrecting it during the crazy holidays, it is finally back with My Mom Life..,. these days.
I learn so much from other moms, and I love to share their stories with you!
So, to get back into it again after – what, 8 months?! – I’m going first and sharing My Mom Life these days!
Mom Life Interview Series: My Mom Life… these days
Name: Kristin Harbulak
Website or social channel to share: This one! You can also follow me on Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, and Facebook. I would love it if you would!
Tell us about your family
Our family is Mom and Dad, our Little Guy who isn’t so little now at 8, Little Lady who also is getting so big at 7, and their big sister who is a whopping 16 years old!
I can finally say, I’m incredibly happy and grateful for the stage we are in.
We’ve had our share of rough patches. We jumped right into marriage a year after buying a house. We got pregnant with Little Guy immediately, so there wasn’t more than a month of enjoying being newlyweds before we were thrown into parent mode.
When our son was year and a half, his sister came along. In fact, both sisters, because at that time we got full custody of his older sister too. If you are a step parent and know how complicated that can be, you know how hard it was going through that while being pregnant and having a one-year-old.
Also, at the time, my husband was working crazy hours and the rest of us never really saw him. I was working, pregnant, had a 1yo, and a 8yo who was in the middle of a rough situation. I can’t even believe we made it through at times!
Fast forward 7 years later and my mom life these days is completely different. These days, I can really sit back and appreciate how blessed we are. It was a struggle to get here, but I’m so happy!
The kids are growing and getting more independent. We have a responsible babysitter when needed, and the best big sister who rarely tires of playing with her younger siblings. My husband and I communicate better and he is home (albeit, always in the garage) in the afternoon when the kids get home from school.
Through it all, we have had the amazing support of my parents. Our kids have the best grandparents anyone could ask for. We are so lucky for their help and support, the close bond we all have, and their impact on the kids lives as they grow.

As a mom, what is the best part of your day?
I really love our morning routine. We have it down. Everyone knows the schedule – 7:30 breakfast, pick out snacks, get backpacks ready, dress, brush teeth and hair, and wait for the bus – we are rarely rushing. We get quality, uninterrupted time together, and I look forward to it each day.
3 Words that describe your parenting style?
Loving. Relaxed. Imperfect.
What is a parenting rule you never break?
Our kiddos are very well-behaved in public. We have never tolerated rudeness or disrespect, especially in public or with others around. The kids seem pretty intrinsically motivated, but I think it comes from a long history of teaching them to be on their best behavior.
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What is a parenting rule you always break?
I keep trying to implement some sort of chore system into my mom life these days. They are more than old enough to help out, but so far we haven’t stuck to it. The kids have typical responsibilities, but we aren’t super consistent so there are a lot of reminders. My goal is to teach them to be a little more responsible and self-sufficient.
Also Read: Why we should NOT ask our kids questions
How do you prioritize family-time and me-time?
This part of Mom Life is so much easier these days now that the kids are in school. Mom of little ones, you will make it through and it does get easier!
Fortunately, I work from home and have a lot of time to myself. I love working on this site and my new job as a community manager with WayBetter, so the workdays fulfill my “me-time.”
What is your go-to, easy weeknight meal?
We have a couple lately. The first one has been my go-to since I lived alone in grad school. It is so easy and I’ve never met anyone who doesn’t love it. Asiago Chicken Sausage and Broccoli Pasta.
The next one we have been making for a couple years now. It’s not the fastest go-to meal, but it is such a hit and, besides having a lot of ingredients, it’s very easy to make. Ground Turkey and Green Bean Stir-fry.
Another thing I love and am trying to do more of is slow cooker meals. I make a delicious chicken chili that the whole family loves. I keep meaning to add the recipe here but I, honestly, never make it the same way twice! One meal I do always check my own recipe for and make often is our Slow Cooker Lentil Tacos. I do use homemade chicken stock, but with vegetable stock this would be a completely vegetarian, easy taco option. We’re all meat eaters here but love it!

What is your favorite family activity?
We have a couple things we absolutely love. First, we spend a lot of time at our cabin in northern Wisconsin. However, when we’re home we have a couple places we like to go for family time – usually on the weekends when the kiddos’ sister is visiting.
One of our go-tos for family time is heading out early for IKEA and the Mall of America. We hit IKEA first so we can get the super cheap breakfast for the whole family. After a quick walk-through, it’s over to the Mall of America and Nickelodeon Universe for rides. I usually leave it up to Dad, do some shopping, and meet back up for lunch.
Another favorite family outing we take regularly is to the Minnesota Children’s Museum. We love checking out new exhibits and spending the day there. We’re actually heading there today for the Hot Wheels exhibit!
We have been Play Ambassadors with the Minnesota Children’s Museum for years now. So if you’re in the area and you want to check it out, you can use our code KRISTIN for a discount on tickets!
What advice would you give new moms?
My advice for new moms is that you are so strong, you will figure out what is right for your family, and you are capable of being the best mom for your kiddo. Don’t overwhelm yourself by thinking you have to do what anyone else does.
You will naturally find a rhythm for your family and it will be what is right for you. We are always changing and evolving as parents, just as our kids change and grow. Do what works for you and don’t worry about what others say or do.
Also Read: New Mom Advice
Do you have a “Mom Hack” you can’t live without?
Probably the same as last time. Frozen peas for the win!
What do you do when you need a break?
To be honest, I usually just curl up on the couch or in bed with my phone or a book.
What are you reading with your kids?
Our kiddos are now 7 and 8 so reading each night is very important. She come home with books to read from school and we read some books together.
Right now, my daughter has been bringing home Diary of a Wimpy Kid books from the library. After she has read her school book, we read that each night from about 7:30-8pm. Both kids love this series and I read them aloud.
After Little Lady goes to bed, Little Guy will read for another 30 minutes. He’s enjoying Horrible Harry and a whole box set of the Who Is / What is series. I love how much he enjoys learning about history and real people!
What is your best Mom money-saving tip?
I am a deal finder and stockpiler!
You will find me in the clearance section after every holiday and all the days in between. I find most of our kiddos’ gifts this way and stockpile for different holidays and friends’ birthdays.
Do you have any tips for staying on top of household chores?
None. I will take all of your tips! Send them my way!
Also Read: Cleaning Tips from Moms
Family Travel: What is your favorite spot or family travel memory?
I haven’t check any of these answers against my previous answers, but I know this one hasn’t changed much…
Our favorite travel locations are Walt Disney World and Mackinac Island, Michigan.
However, I don’t think I mentioned another favorite Florida spot we have. For a few years, when the kids were not in school and I was working from home, we were fortunate enough to be able to stay with my parents in a rental house in Florida for the month of November. The kiddos were little, but they remember that house, the pool, and our time together. Exciting news! We’re going back this June, right when they get out of school!

Also Read: Stress free Walt Disney World Vacation
Do you have a can’t-live-without Mom/family products to share?
I have a couple favorites off the top of my head. We’ll have to see if these match my favorites from my last Mom Life Interview!
Mabel’s Labels
I know I probably mentioned this product last time, but they are something we use daily! Mabel’s Labels are the best! We pop one on everything as the kids are heading out the door – shoes, jackets, snack containers, hats, show and tell items, etc… I always give them as baby gifts, and have heard from the moms (and daycare!) that they are the best they’ve seen!
We also love their travel labels and ID safety bracelets for trips. We used them when packing for Disney World!
It looks like they even have newer versions now, Silicone ID Bracelets, which I love! Every parent should have one of these bracelets for kids!
Dyson Cordless Vacuum
It is amazing! We have two that we have gotten on Black Friday from Walmart over the years, but this one on Amazon is a pretty great price right now too. We keep one in our mudroom and one in our upstairs laundry room. They are light and easy, so the kids can grab them when needed. They fit under beds and furniture so well. It’s just the best thing ever!
Google Home Mini
This is something new for us. We got the kiddos Google Home Minis for Christmas and they love them. Little Lady plays meditation sounds each night and Disney music all day. It’s also great because you can control the volume from your phone. You can even broadcast to all of them from your phone. We were at an event and couldn’t get the kids at home to answer the phone, so I broadcasted and they called us right away! If you loooove Amazon, you can also get the kids echo dot which have even more features.
Drink in the Box and Snack in the Box
We love these containers. They come in handy all the time! The Snack in the Box containers have two sections with lids that open on either side. The Drink in the Box containers are the size of a juice box and they have taller ones. They are perfect for fitting in smaller lunch bags so little kids don’t have to bring huge ones to and from school.
Also Read: School Lunch Ideas – healthy food and the best containers
Thanks for making it through My Mom Life these days!
I hope it makes you feel good knowing we’re all in this together. I also hope you found some little gems in there that will help you in your own Mom Life!
If you enjoyed reading about My Mom Life… these days, check out all the other Mom Life Interviews!
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