The Mental Exhaustion of Motherhood is real and it can take a toll on moms. What to do when the the mental exhaustion of motherhood becomes overwhelming.
We’re in this together, Moms! Motherhood can be exhausting at times. Carrying the mental load of motherhood can catch up with you at the strangest moments. When we recognize those moments, there are a few things we need to remember to do. Done regularly, this can go a long way to lessening the mental exhaustion of motherhood.

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I was all set to write about School Year Resolutions or taking care of ourselves as mom or women in general. Then, I had one of those days where one little thing after another goes south and finally I can’t take it anymore! The snowball started in the morning and gradually got bigger and bigger until I was ready to escape it all.
All the mom tasks, worries, and concerns going through our heads can actually lead to real, physical exhaustion.
After a rough morning I was given some time to complete my longer-by-the-minute to-do list. My mom took the kids for the afternoon. First, I was overwhelmed by the time and didn’t know where to start. Next I started cleaning the kitchen – which needed it, but it wasn’t even on my list. Then, I got in front of my computer and felt the exhaustion completely kick and and had to set an alarm for 15 minutes later so I could get back to work.
I tell ya, the number of things running through my head right now is insane!
It’s like that all the time as a mom. I had no idea that we could get physically exhausted from the mental exhaustion of motherhood.
We are overloaded with keeping other human beings alive, wanting the best for them and constantly thinking about how to do it, running a household, remembering appointments, planning meals, etc. The mental exhaustion of motherhood is real and it catches up with us!
Also read and learn from other moms in our Mom Life Interview Series
What we can do to lessen the mental exhaustion of motherhood
It’s not easy.
I don’t think there is anything we can do to completely alleviate the mental exhaustion of motherhood. We will always want the best for our children. We will always have to orchestrate the lives of many people instead of just ourselves. We will always have times where it is just a bit too much.
However, when the mental exhaustion of motherhood starts to take over, there are definitely some things we can do to bring it back down to a manageable level.

Don’t be afraid to say, “no”
If there is something you can take off your plate, do it! You don’t have to do it all. Prioritize a few things and remove anything from your list that is not an immediate priority.
Also, it’s ok to say “no” to things. It actually feels pretty great and freeing. When you are feeling the mental exhaustion of motherhood don’t take on anything new. It’s ok. You and your family will be fine. Better, in fact.
Ask for help
If you have Dad/Significant Other, grandparents, friends, or family around to ask for help – do it! So many of us have this feeling that we need to do it all on our own.
Maybe Dad isn’t as helpful as we would like, and we feel it’s easier to just take care of things ourselves. It might be, but in the long run we pay for it. Those little tasks that we take on really add up and contribute to the mental exhaustion of motherhood.
Take help where you can get it, and don’t feel one bit bad about it.

Schedule time to make yourself a priority – and don’t break it!
We have all heard that we can’t pour from an empty cup. Well, this is exactly what happens when we start to feel the mental exhaustion of motherhood.
We are tired and emotional, and our body is telling us it needs something. Maybe that’s the good food, exercise, and better sleep mentioned below. Or maybe it just means giving yourself a recharge with something you enjoy.
I like to escape in a good book, and I feel much better. I’ve even heard that some moms like a quiet trip to Target. 😉 A walk alone on a beautiful evening. Giving yourself permission to tune out in front of the TV without guilt. Even just turning on some music that makes you feel good.
Take better care of yourself
Eat Right
I am guilty of substituting quick, typically less nutritious, meals for healthy meals that take more time and prep when things get crazy. It’s so much easier to pop in a pizza for the family or skip lunch myself when I’m feeling overwhelmed.
Easier said than done, but getting the right nutrition is so important. Energy levels and mental clarity are so impacted by what we put into our bodies.
Easy Recipes for when the Mental Exhaustion of Motherhood hits
- One Pot Asiago Chicken Sausage and Broccoli Pasta
- One Pan Chicken and Green Beans
- Chicken Artichoke Casserole
- Zesty Chicken – one dish meal
- Spaghetti Squash Pizza Hotdish
- Toasty Dogs
Make sleep a priority
Another important factor for energy levels and mental clarity is sleep. We know this. However, when we are dealing with the mental exhaustion of motherhood we often don’t allow ourselves the time to get the sleep we need. Often we’re getting up with babies, trying to get more done, or just enjoying the quite kid-free time. However, even a little extra sleep goes a long way if you can make it happen.
Getting more exercise is another obvious one that can be much easier said than done. However, we all know from Elle Woods that endorphins make you happy. By definition, exhaustion typically means the last thing we feel like we have energy for is physical activity. However, getting out with the kids, going for a walk, or a quick workout will help us feel better in the end.

CBD oil
This is a new one for me, but I’m sure you’ve heard about CBD oil all over like I have. You take it daily, much like a vitamin. There are quite a few reported benefits. What I find interesting is that both mental clarity and sleep are reported to be benefits of CBD oil. Seems perfect to provide a little help sorting out the mental overload of Mom Brain.
I’ve been trying a CBD oil tincture from Medterra. I’ve heard so much about them and Moms Meet doesn’t typically steer me wrong with better-for-you products for moms and families. So, I thought I’d give it a try.
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You can give yourself a dose morning or night with a dropper full under the tongue. Thankfully, taking it under the tongue really helps with the strange mouth-feel of an oil and keeps it tasteless.
It’s different for everyone, but from my experience I think I prefer taking it at night. I took the CBD oil in the morning for a week and it might have helped with some of the anxiety we moms have, but I felt a little sleepy in the afternoon. Therefore, for me it might be better for getting some sleep and taking it at night.
Keeping the Mental Exhaustion of Motherhood Away
Regardless of what you find to work for you, it’s important to remember to keep up with it so you’re not running into those times when you’re overwhelmed and it feels like too much.
Most importantly…
- Ask for help
- Don’t be afraid to say, “no”
- Remember to schedule time for yourself
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