
My Day Friday Accountability Check-In: Week 8

July 10, 2015

I’m not letting this one slip!

Summer has me skipping posts, but I’m checking in because I had a bad week and I’m turning it around.

Accountability Check-in Week 8

I made my DietBet weigh out last week, but I was at the cabin which is always a struggle. I decided to stick to a strict eating plan, hoping it would help. Of course, I’m sure many of you can relate to what happens after it’s over. I went nuts and really struggled to get back on track!

I started some new DietBets for the accountability and support and weighed-in at nearly the same spot I started last time… 🙁 I think that brought my total to only about two pounds lost since the beginning of last month…

All that aside, I’ve been having a great week now!

I’m on week 5 of C25K and it’s feeling really good! I actually got in a mile run to the playground, a mile run back from the playground, and did my C25K stroller-free in the evening. Today, I cut the grass for my workout.

I technically logged into MFP over 60 days in a row, but often I wasn’t tracking the evenings when I most needed it. I’m tracking as much as possible and my goal this week is to track all dinners.

I feel like I’m in a much better place right now. Things get really busy and I let things slide, but I’m human and I’m doing my best to balance.

Should we see how I did?

Accountability Check-in Week 8

Going in the right direction soon, I’m sure.

I could really use more support and accountability. Any of you have link-ups appropriate for posts like this? I could use some ideas?

Have a great weekend!