Twenty-one different moms are sharing their very best Mom Hacks! What are the parenting tips and tricks they can’t live without? They’re sharing them all here!
Whether you’re a new mom or are always on the lookout for some new mom hacks, they have some great ideas!

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One of my favorite things on this blog has been our Mom Life Interview Series. I love hearing from different moms each week! Each one is totally different, but there are a lot of the same themes and every mom is so uplifting!
It’s great to come together and share our experiences. Reading them, we know we aren’t alone and we learn some great tips from other moms.
One of the questions each mom has been asked is “Do you have a ‘Mom Hack’ you can’t live without?“
As I sit here at 6:59 am on Mother’s Day, after waking up at 4:45 am to clear wet sheets off one of my kiddos’ bed, I think it’s a perfect time to share all those Mom Hacks!
Along with these Mom Hacks, you can find New Mom Advice and Cleaning Tips from Moms also from our Mom Life Interviews.
Mom Hacks these moms can’t live without
If you’d like to hear more from the moms below, check out all of our Mom Life Interviews!
Amber’s Mom Hacks
I have buckets in my pantry that include specific categories of school lunch snacks. My older girls grab one item from each bucket, a fruit from the fridge and pack their own lunch before I come downstairs. I just have to add the sandwich.
You can get closet locks off of amazon. Wish I knew this 6 yrs ago.
With twins when they were little I could not live without my bath chairs. It would have made bath time impossible if I didn’t have them.
Read more about Amber’s Mom Life here.
Stacey’s Mom Hack
This is a small one (and I could live without it!), but it comes in handy. We enjoy going to the movies and sharing some popcorn as well. I buy one big bucket and divvy it up into paper lunch sacks that I cut off to be about 2/3 their full size. They easily fit into my purse and work so well for passing out popcorn and avoiding sharing germs as well!
Side note: I still think about Stacey’s mom hack each time we go to the movies!
Read more about Stacey’s Mom Life here.
Amy’s Mom Hack
Getting on a good sleep routine early! We did Babywise from the start and it has made all the difference. When my daughter was younger she slept 7 to 7 every night. It was wonderful to have the evenings free to relax and wind down and still not be up super early in the morning.
Read more about Amy’s Mom Life here.
Also Read: New Mom Advice: 23 Moms give their best advice
Liz’s Mom Hack
This was more relevant when my kids were little but my youngest still likes it. Instead of putting milk in the cereal I would mix the cereal with yogurt to avoid the milk mess in the morning. It was just one less thing that this working mom had to worry about.
Also, with my oldest I’ve started giving her packing lists for trips with things like 2 pairs of long pants, 4 pairs of underwear etc. And she has started packing her own travel bags pretty darn well. All I do is quickly look it over. It’s fabulous!
Read more about Liz’s Mom Life here.
Hiromi’s Mom Hack
When my teen was a baby, I was a guest on a Canadian show called “The Mom Show”. I remember one tip a mom gave and that was to do laundry EVERY DAY so it doesn’t pile up.
Since I heard that tip, I have been doing at least one load a day and also devote a full day to do multiple loads. This way I don’t get overwhelmed with laundry. If it’s a super busy day, I would do something easy, like just towels. It really helps a lot to keep up on top of it daily.
Read more about Hiromi’s Mom Life here.
Murissa’s Mom Hack
Always bring a change of clothes for your kid.
New mom fail when we went out to breakfast last year. That’s probably an obvious one for experienced moms.
We made this same mistake at Chef Mickey’s when the kids were toddlers! Not fun!
Read more about Murissa’s Mom Life here.
Also Read: Walt Disney World with Toddlers
Debbie’s Mom Hack
One of my favorite Mom Hack’s is actually the Library. If ever I feel stir crazy at home, we pack up and head to the library where my son is able to play with puzzles and toys, and I can read a book nearby. I also try to take advantage of their programs: story times, science experiments and crafts–fun activities that I don’t have to come up with at home or clean up after!
Read more about Debbie’s Mom Life here.
Jamie’s Mom Hack
Eco-88 stain remover. Find it on Amazon. Best $20 you’ll EVER spend if you have kids or pets or even if you don’t. I don’t know what’s in that stuff, and I don’t care. It’s THAT good.
Read more about Jamie’s Mom Life here.
Also Read: Cleaning Tips from Moms – 13 moms share their best tips!
India’s Mom Hack
Having endless snacks. Always have many snacks anywhere you go!
Read more about India’s Mom Life here.
Jillian’s Mom Hack
Grocery pick up – We started this a few months ago and I LOVE not having to go to the store each week. We order groceries every Sunday night for pick up Monday morning…..You may have to plan a little bit to have dinners etc but It saves me so much time.
Get $10 your first order from Walmart Grocery.
Read more about Jillian’s Mom Life here.
Alexandra’s Mom Hack
Toy rotation! I just started this after being overwhelmed by birthday and Christmas presents. I have half of my son’s toys packed away in the basement. Every couple weeks, I rotate toys and it’s like they’re brand new and exciting again. It keeps my house more organized, I always know where the pieces to things are, and it keeps him interested in his toys.
Read more about Alexandra’s Mom Life here.
Julia’s Mom Life
I probably would not be where I am without my trusty BOB stroller and the ability to get out for runs with Frankie!
Read more about Julia’s Mom Life here.
Julie Cole’s Mom Hack
Yes, visual cues for the children. I have posters and tools hanging up in the house reminding them of what their morning routine is, etc. That way they refer to the board rather than me spending the morning nagging them.
If you don’t know who Julie Cole is, she’s one of the amazing women responsible for one of our favorite brand, Mabel’s Labels. We put them on everything! I also always give them as gifts to new moms, and they have been told by daycare providers that they are the best they’ve ever used!
Read more about Julie Cole’s Mom Life here.
Also Read: Baby Gift Ideas: Must-haves for babies
Vicki’s Mom Hack
When you have more than one child do as much as you can together. Baths, meals, snacks etc rather than doing in a hundred times over. Organise clothes and bags for child care/days out the night before for an easy morning.
Read more about Vicki’s Mom Life here.
Ellen’s Mom Hack
Now that my son is older I don’t need much to help out but when he was younger, definitely my ergo baby carrier! I couldn’t have survived motherhood without it. Another thing that I still use is a sound machine when we sleep, I actually use an app on an older phone of mine and have been using for at least 4 years.
Read more about Ellen’s Mom Life here.
Caitlin’s Mom Hack
It’s not exactly something I brag about, but I carry little candies with me everywhere (tic tacs, M&Ms, etc). When the REAL big tantrums happen at the worst possible times, I am always happy I have them. A couple M&Ms can get compliance in seconds!
Read more about Caitlin’s Mom Life here.
Devon’s Mom Life
I recently started a toy rotation which has helped reduce the clutter in our house so much. The toys that are out are arranged on low shelves and in Montessori-ish ways to promote engagement. (ie. puzzle pieces in a basket next to the puzzle instead of being already competed). Teddy has been playing with his toys longer and there are less toys to scatter around the house.
Read more about Devon’s Mom Life here.
Jenny’s Mom Hack
Butt Paste! The one in the red tube. No joke, the BEST diaper rash ointment EVER. I give a tube at every single baby shower I attend. Accept no substitutes!
Read more about Jenny’s Mom Life here.
Renee’s Mom Hack
When you need a break, order groceries online instead of going to the store. Use that time instead to take yourself to get coffee/a café.
Get $10 your first order from Walmart Grocery.
Read more about Renee’s Mom Life here.
Emily’s Mom Hack
Babywise. It changed my life and made me the parent I am today in so many ways. Sleep is crucial and routine and structure are a gift to give your children…and yourself.
Read more about Emily’s Mom Life here.
My Mom Hack
I’m sure there are a few of them, but one that stands out is frozen peas. Seriously, frozen peas was one of the first snacks our kiddos got. They love them!
They’re very sweet when frozen, they soothe sore gums, they cool warm foods, and it’s such a great snack! Our kids like frozen peas with anything. We use them in soups and mac n cheese that is too warm or on the side to eat before the rest of the meal cools. It’s so great!
Read more about My Mom Life and My Mom Life…these days here.
If you enjoyed these Mom Hacks, check out all of our Mom Life Interviews.
If you’d like to join in on the fun and be a part of the Mom Life Interview Series, leave a comment below or send an email to exploringdomesticity@gmail. com with subject “Mom Life Interview Series.”
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